American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 445

Alumni Talks with Meerim Nazarova (JMC'12) on "Virtual Team Management", April 29 at 16:00
On April 29 at 4:00 PM Alumni Relations Office of AUCA conducted the next Alumni Talks* on "Virtual Team Management" by Meerim Nazarova (JMC'12) a Partner and PR manager at Data Lab Consulting Agency.
NGA Makes the Most out of this Shift to Online Education
Kamilya Kadyrova, the head of the New Generation Academy told us about the academy operation during the quarantine: "New Generation Academy faculty and students have shifted to online learning mode in a surprisingly smooth and productive way..."
Online lecture. Trickles from the Fountain of Life': Sufi lives and afterlives in Persian literature from sixteenth-century Central Asia
The Central Asian Studies Institute, in coordination with FYS/SYS, is pleased to invite faculty and students to an online lecture by Professor Nicholas Walmsley, Director of Core Humanities and College Writing at AUCA.
Want to develop your policy-making skills in unstable environments?
Enhance your ability to conduct strategic analyses in fragile contexts, and strengthen your leadership skills to effectively influence decision-makers. Join our online presentation of the Executive Master in Conflict and Fragility Management, and ask your questions to Alexandre Dormeier Freire, Programme Director, and Oliver Jütersonke, Head of Research of the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding (CCDP).
Kamila Mateeva shared her experience in working group meeting in Bulgaria
On February 10-21, 2020 professors of AUCA Mahinur Mamatova, Mehrigiul Ablezova, Kamila Mateeva and Akylai Muktarbek kyzy took part in working group meeting in different EU states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Greece.
AUCA professors took part in work groups meeting in different EU states
On February 10-21, 2020 professors of AUCA Mahinur Mamatova, Mehrigiul Ablezova, Kamila Mateeva and Akylai Muktarbek kyzy took part in work groups meeting in different EU states: Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Greece. The meeting focused on the final stage of developing new master program “Talent Management and Human Potential Development in Organizations” or shortly “Talent”.
AUCA will give a lecture on "The epidemiological situation in the world on coronavirus (COVID-19) and recommended preventive measures activity"
As part of the sanitary and epidemiological work on the prevention of acute viral respiratory infections (ARVI) and influenza diseases among students and university employees, as well as the threat of coronavirus (COVID-19) entering Kyrgyzstan, AUCA will give a lecture on "The epidemiological situation in the world on coronavirus (COVID-19) and recommended preventive measures activity".
Successful graduates - Meerim Karybaeva (IBL-103) - Senior Lawyer at Centil Law firm
Dear AUCA Graduates! We would like to start a series of publications about our graduates and their achievements. Today's spotlight is Meerim Karybaeva, a graduate of AUCA International and Business Law (IBL-103) department and LL.
IBL graduate Meerim Karybaeva as a guest lecturer at AUCA
Meerim Karybaeva is a graduate of AUCA International and Business Law (IBL-103) department and LL.M. graduate of Erasmus University of Rotterdam School of Law, Netherlands. In her last visit as a guest lecturer at AUCA, Meerim discussed with students the topic of “Legal Regulation of E-Commerce in Kyrgyzstan” and shared her experiences and knowledge that she gained in her career over the course of 10 years.
Professor at Mykolas Romeris University in Lithuania lectured AUCA students for a week
Prof. Salvija Mulevičienė lectured graduate and undergraduate students of AUCA on The Modernization of EU Insolvency Law topic between November 25-29.  She also introduced students to the Dual Degree opportunity with Mykolas Romeris University.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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