Борбордук Азиядагы Америка Университети - БААУ - Текшерүү тизмеси

Текшерүү тизмеси

Checklist (Study Planner) is an unofficial document developed for students to track their studies through 4 years of study at AUCA. The Checklists can vary depending on the year of entrance to AUCA. Below you can find the checklist according to your year of admission:

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2024

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2023

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2022

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2021

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2020

Course Checklist for students admitted in 2019


Борбордук Азиядагы Америка университети
Аалы Токомбаев көчөсү 7/6
Бишкек, Кыргыз Республикасы 720060

Тел.: +996 (312) 915000 + ички.
Факс: +996 (312) 915 028