American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 1102

The Central Asian Cinema Forum II: Documentaries
The Central Asian Cinema Forum II: Documentary Filmmaking kicked off on the 5th of June at the AUCA campus. The forum aims to provide a platform for aspiring documentary filmmakers to learn from industry experts and gain valuable insights into the world of documentary filmmaking.
"Geospatial Approaches to Understanding the Changing World."
Recently, Meerim Beishenkulova, a senior student from the Department of Applied Geology, had the opportunity to present her work at the prestigious international conference, Central Asia GIS Conference - GISCA 2023 and Project Workshops "Geospatial Approaches to Understanding the Changing World.
OSUN Faculty Mobility Fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Görkem Atsungur, the Head of the Social Sciences Division and Chair of the International and Comparative Politics department participated in the OSUN Faculty Mobility at the Center for Governance and Markets at the University of Pittsburgh
Senior Farewell Award ceremony 2023
At the Senior Farewell Award ceremony on June 2nd, 2023, the following WARC tutors were recognized for their academic and extracurricular achievements:

Bekzay kyzy Aruuke (accounting tutor) for Best Thesis, Business Administration Department
Deniz Nazaroza (writing and SPSS tutor) for Best Thesis and Best GPA in Psychology and Software Engineering Departments, a certificate for Contributions to the Writing and Academic Resource Center, and for exceptional leadership and dedication to the student organizations and student government
Pavel Ges (mathematics tutor) for Best GPA, Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department
Aman Elemanov (economics tutor) for Best GPA, Economics Department, a certificate for Jasupjan Tugunbaev Scholarship Award, and for Best Aulmni Scholarship Recipient Award
Tahmina Ustoeva (writing tutor) for Best GPA, International and Comparative Politics
Aidin Turganbekov (writing tutor) for Best GPA, Sociology Department, a certificate for a valuable commitment as a peer advisor, for exceptional leadership and dedication to the student organizations and student government, and a certificate of 3rd place for UNFPA Mandate Best Thesis Award
Karina Lou (accounting tutor) for Contributions to the Writing and Academic Resource Center and a certificate for a valuable commitment as a peer advisor
Aizada Sulaimankulova (Russian language tutor) for Best Alumni Scholarship Recipient Award and a certificate for a valuable contribution to the social and cultural performances in AUCA, European Studies
Nilufarkhon Homidova (writing tutor) for Best Alumni Scholarship Recipient Award, International and Comparative Politics Department
Tilek Torogeldiev (programming tutor) for Best Alumni Scholarship Recipient Award, Software Engineer Department
Jamila Ahmadi (writing and mathematics tutor) for the Best Eco Project & Practices, Software Engineer Department

Congratulations to all on their outstanding work! We are very proud of your achievements!
Eco-challenge from Green AUCA & LAS Department: awarding the winners
The Green AUCA program held a 2-week challenge in May to introduce 7 useful eco-habits. It was a joint creative experiment of the Green AUCA program and teachers and students of the LAS Department, which was successful.
National Security Language Initiative for Youth 2023
The intensive program National Security Language Initiative for Youth, sponsored by the US Department of State, was successfully completed. The AUCA is thankful to be privileged in hosting NSLI-Y Program in Bishkek to support the study of the U.S. high school students
”Unheard Voices”: the exhibition of senior students of the JMC Department
On Thursday, May 25,  an exhibition of “Unheard Voices” was held at the Art Fund. This is an exhibition organized by the Journalism and Mass Communications Department to present the end-of-studies work of senior students.
AUCA Podcast Sprint 2023
On Thursday, May 25, The AUCA Journalism and Mass Communication Department hosted the final meetup of all AUCA Podcasts creators within the intensive class AUCA Podcast Sprint - AUCA Voices
Mobility of AUCA students within the OSUN network
On Tuesday, May 23, AUCA welcomed Ruth Verweijen, a Viennese from the Central European University (CEU), the Open Society University Network (OSUN) Graduate Mobility Officer. Ruth Verweijen made a presentation on behalf of the CEU to present the mobility opportunities.
TSPC of AUCA for the Tourism Sector of Kyrgyzstan
Tian Shan Policy Center of AUCA has developed the analysis of the factors for implementation of sustainable consumption and production and circular economy in tourism sector of Kyrgyzstan.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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