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Anthropology and International Development

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Ayşe Çavdar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor

Anthropology and International Development

Division of Social Sciences


Email: [javascript protected email address]


Dr. Ayşe Çavdar is an Assistant Professor in the Anthropology and International Development department at the American University of Central Asia. She holds her Ph.D. in Cultural Anthropology from the European University of Viadrina (2014, Germany), a Master of Arts in History from Boğaziçi University (2004, Turkey), and a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Ankara University (1997, Turkey). 

Dr. Çavdar joined AUCA in 2023. She was a visiting fellow at Bard College Berlin (2021-2023, Germany), a visiting fellow at the Philipps Universitat Marburg (2018-2020, Germany), and a postdoctoral fellow at the Kate Hamburger College. She has participated in courses on pedagogy for higher education, including the Center for Liberal Arts and Sciences Pedagogy - CLASP Fellows Program in 2020-2023 and the IWT Writing and Thinking Workshop in 2021. 

  • Anthropology of Religion/Islam
  • Cultural and Social Anthropology
  • Islam and Islamism
  • Media and Communication Studies
  • Migration
  • Nationalism
  • Religiosity
  • Secularity
  • Urban Studies


Peer-reviewed journal articles:

  • “The state (of mind) of Dumrul: How did a nation lose the plot?,” Freie Assoziation - Zeitchrift für psychoanalytisce Sozialpsyhcologie, 2/2018, (released in August 2019)
  • "As If They Will Never Die: Islamism’s Dream of Capital 15 Accumulation” South Atlantic Quarterly, 2019, 118 (1): 23-40. Trans: Selin Irazca Geray 
  • Building, Marketing and Living in an Islamic Gated Community: Novel Configurations of Class and Religion in Istanbul” in International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (special issue entitled “Entrepreneurial Religion in the Age of Neoliberal Urbanism" ed. by Stephan Lanz and Martijn Oosterbaan.) Autumn 2016 
  • “AKP’s Housing Policy: TOKI as the Loyalty Generator” in The Austrian Journal of Development Studies (JEP), Special Issue on Turkey: The Politics of National Conservatism, vol. XXXII 1/2-2016, (Special Issue, Guest Editors İlker Ataç and Joachim Becker) 
  • “The Watch Movement: Searching Justice for Workers and its Families” in Journal of Communication Studies (special issue on counter-publics) İletişim Araştırmaları (Communication Studies), 2014, 12 (2) Ankara University Centre for Communication Studies and Applications 4 of 9 
  • “Medya Neden Yolsuzlukla Mücadele Edemez?” (Why cannot media struggle against corruption?) in İş Ahlakı Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Business Ethics), November 2010, Volume 3, Issue 6, pp. 47-60, İGİAD. 


  • Gola Gza (The Road of Plateau), a book based on the interviews with the founders and supporters of Gola Culture, Art and Ecology Association working in the Black Sea region to protect Laz language and culture (Editor), Heyamola Yayınları, İstanbul, 2016
  • İstanbul: Müstesna Şehrin İstisna Hali, (Istanbul: The State of Exception in an Exceptional City) (Co-editor with Pelin Tan) Sel Kitap, 2013
  • Mahremin Göçü (The Migration of Intimacy), interview with Nilüfer Göle, Hayy Kitap, 2011 
  • Nefret Suçları ve Nefret Söylemi (Hate Crimes and Hate Discourse, Conference Proceedings) (Co-editor, with Aylin B. Yıldırım), International Hrant Dink Foundation, 2010
  • Medya ve Güvenlik Sektörü Gözetimi, Sınırlar ve İmkanlar (Media and Security Sector Oversight, Limits and Possibilities) (Co-editor Volkan Aytar), TESEV, İstanbul, 2009
  • Yerel Tarih Grupları için Halkla İlişiler Kılavuzu (Public Relations Handbook for Local History Groups) Economic and Social History Foundation of Turkey, İstanbul, 2002 
  • Cemil Meriç ve Bu Ülkenin Çocukları (Cemil Meriç and the Children of this Country) (Co-editor Ergun Meriç), İz Yayınları, İstanbul, 2001

Book Chapters:

  • “Grapefruit cocktail for tweet fruit addicts: The strategy of Nation Alliance” will be published in New Directions for Turkey (draft title), ed. By: Nikos Christofis, 2023
  • “What is really at risk: Academics or academia?" will be published in Exiled Intellectuals: encounters, conflicts, and Experiences in the transnational context, ed by Latife Akyüz, Eylem Çamuroğlu Çığ, Melehat Kutun, Hakan Altun, Palgrave Macmillan, 2023
  • “A city without ‘we’” in Istanbul between 2006-2016) published in We The City ed by Tuba İnal Çekiç, Jovis Verlag, 2023
  • “İslamcı zihniyetin ‘bir adam yaratmak’ projesinde üç aşama: Mehmet Akif, Necip Fazıl ve Şule Yüksel” (Three stages in the Islamist project of "creating a man": Mehmet Akif, Necip Fazıl and Şule Yüksel), for a book series “Republic” published by Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality and History Foundation for the 100th anniversary of Turkish Republic, 2023
  • “İki Tanış Kadın: Feride ve Feyza” (Two Acquainted Women: Feride and Feyza) in Light (Literary) Heroes ed by Aksu Bora and Sezen Ünlüönen) İletişim Yayınları, 2023
  • “Never walk alone: The politics of unveiling in 'New Turkey'" in The Politics of Culture in 'New Turkey' edited by Kaya Akyıldız, Ivo Furman and Pierre Hecker, Edinburgh University Press, upcoming in 2021
  • “Kutsal hırsın beton gölgesi: Istanbul'da İslam için bir yok yer” (The concrete shadow of divine greed: A non-place for Islam in Istanbul) in Otoriter Neoliberalizmin Gölgesinde: Kent, Mekan, İnsan (Under the Shadow of Authoritarian Neoliberalism: City, Place, Human) edited by Şerife Geniş, Nika Publishing House, 2020 
  • “Sıkışmak, sıkılmak, sığınmak, sığışmak, savaşmak: ...ama bir türlü esneyememek” (Being jammed, bored, harboured, squeezed, contended: …but unable to yawn), in Sıkıntı Var (Boredom Exists) edited by Aylin Kuryel, İletişim Publishing House, 2020. 
  • “The Sufi Rhetoric in Contemporary Turkey: Find Peace in My Hegemony!” in Sufism: A Theoretical Intervention in Global International Relations, ed by Deepshika Shahi, Rowman& Littlefield International, 2020
  • Media in "New Turkey": Old Diseases vs New Energies in Media, Freedom of Sqeech, and Democracy in the EU and Beyond, edited by Angelos Giannakopoulos, The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International and Regional Studies, Tel Aviv University, 2019
  • "The radicalizing effect of the contest between similars" in Nach dem Putsch: 16 Anmerkungen zur »neuen« Türkei ed by Ilker Ataç, Michael Fanizadeh, Volkan Ağar, Mandelbaum Verlag, 2018
  • “Bu daha başlangıç: Müslüman Antikapitalistler ve sokak dostluğu” (It’s just the beginning: Muslim Anticapitalists and friendship on the streets), in Yerel Asiri Musterekler (Translocal Commons), ed. by Yahya M. Madra & Muge Sokmen, Metis Publishing House, in Fall 2015.
  • “Müslüman Antikapitalistler ve sosyal medya: Radikal ama mesafeli bir uzlaşı dili” (Muslim Anticapitalists and social media: a radical but distanced language of consensus), in Türkiye’de Alternatif Medya (Alternative Media in Turkey), ed. by Bora Ataman & Baris Coban, Kafka Publishing House, 2015 
  • “A search for justice in the exile neighborhood”, an epilogue for the artist book produced for Raziye Kubat’s painting series entitled “the Story of Yusuf”, Dada Books, July 2014.
  • “Negotiation as a research methodology”, in Global Prayers: Contemporary Manifestations of the Religious in the City, Lars Mueller Publishers, Zurich, 2013
  • “Our homes, our cliffs”, a prologue for the artist book produced for Nalan Yirtmac’s exhibition entitled “Please Move towards the Back II: Disastercity”, 2012
  • “Eine Frau, Zwei patriarchalische Darstellungen” (Two Women, Two Patriarchal Representations: the Merve Kavakçı Affair in the Media), (Co-author with Sevda Alankuş), in Barbara Pusch (ed.): Die neue muslimische Frau. Standpunkte und Analysen (The New Muslim Woman: Standpoints and Analyses), Orient Institute, Istanbul 2001 


  • Graduate Writing, Thinking, and Learning (MA)
  • Local Cultures, Knowledge, and Arts in Global Era (MA)
  • Language, Culture, and Power (BA) 


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