American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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Student Meeting with the AUCA President
On Monday, September 18th, students at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) had the unique opportunity to meet with their new university president, Dr. Timothy E. O'Connor.
The event took place in a warm and friendly atmosphere, allowing students to ask questions and engage in meaningful discussions with the AUCA President.
Zharkynai Maratbek kyzy: "Thank you Auca and OSUN for the great opportunity"
My name is Zharkynai Maratbek kyzy, and I am a fourth-year student majoring in Business Administration. I decided to participate in the exchange program because I wanted to immerse myself in a different culture and gain a broader perspective on the world, plus of course Networking and building international connections.
Zero Emission Day
 Join us for the third event of Climate Week in Kyrgyzstan - "Zero Emission Day" at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) on September 21st, from 14:00 to 16:00 at AUCA CH. Let's pave the way for a sustainable future by spreading awareness about the need to reduce emissions and transition to a zero-emission society.
Nikita Lovetsky's Graduation Film received the Top Prize at "Baiqonyr International Short Film Festival"
Nikita Lovetsky's Graduation Film  received the Top Prize at Baiqonyr International Short Film Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan. Almaty, Kazakhstan - From September 7 to 11, the Baiqonyr International Short Film Festival in Almaty, Kazakhstan, witnessed an outstanding achievement as Nikita Lovetsky's graduation film, titled 'Galina Petrovna,' clinched the award for Best Film.
Study with US

On September 14, 2023, the  Development Office and the New Generation Academy (NGA) organized an opening ceremony of the “Study With US” Program. The project is implemented by the Development Office together with NGA in the framework of partnership with FHI360 (Family Health International 360), and funded by the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs of the US State Department.
Summer in the Elm Grove
Very soon our parks will be dressed in golden autumn clothing. And while we are saying goodbye to summer, there is still an opportunity to wander along the green shady alleys of parks and squares. Our video shows the summer mood in Elm Grove!
Club Fair 2023
The university club fair is an exciting and vibrant event that takes place at the beginning of each academic year. It serves as a fantastic opportunity for students to explore a wide range of extracurricular activities and organizations on campus.
CARIN Regional Workshop
Empowering the Next Generation of Central Asian Scientists through the CARIN ECS Program. The Central Asia Regional Information Network (CARIN) regional workshop, held from the 11th to the 17th of September 2023, marked the beginning of an exciting journey for aspiring Early Career Scientists (ECS) from Central Asia.
Sezim Askarbekova'23: "My years at AUCA were a journey of self-discovery, learning, and growth!"
My journey at the American University of Central Asia has been a significant chapter in my life, and I'm delighted to share more about my experiences. I am Sezim Askarbekova, a proud member of the class of 2023, and I pursued a major in Anthropology and International Development.
AUCA Students Bridging Cultures: Translating the Legends of FC Barcelona in Bishkek
Legends of FC Barcelona played against the Legends of Asia team in Bishkek.  At the heart of this linguistic bridge, in this event, were a group of talented AUCA students, Zharkynai Maratbek kyzy BA-120, Mamatalieva Leila ECO-120, Tadzhimatov Bilaliddin BA-119, who took on the roles of English-Spanish translators, ensuring that the players and fans could connect seamlessly across language barriers.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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