American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 169

Position Announcements for TSPC: Project Manager and Project specialist on public awareness, education and communication
The Tian Shan Policy Center of the American University of Central Asia, is looking to fill a Project Manager position for a multi-year international project on promoting energy and resource efficiency in the tourism sector.
The Fulbright Association of Kyrgyzstan organizes assistance to the people of Kyrgyzstan
As of July 7th of 2020, the total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in Kyrgyzstan has reached 8, 141 while the death toll has totaled 99 and keeps growing. This number speaks volumes of the current state of the national healthcare system, its technical lag and lack of necessary equipment and human resources, as well as about limited resources of Government to deal with rapidly unfolding national catastrophe alone.
Larisa Kalyuzhina: "I really like working with youth, they transfuse their enthusiasm and love of life into everyone"
During the interviews most of the students note that the AUCA is a big family. Also, there are many of those who teach and work here for many-many years, and even those who have been with us from the very foundation of the university. One of such people is our Kalyuzhina Larisa Yuryevna, International Students Visa and Registration Coordinator.
Арина Тургунбекова: «Годы обучения в АУЦА дали мне не только знания, но и моих лучших друзей»
Арина Тургунбекова – одна из ярких и активных студенток нашего университета, солистка музыкального студенческого театра «Миррорс». В этом году Арина окончила АУЦА, и, как у всех студентов, последние месяцы учебы прошли у неё в онлайн-формате. Арина рассказала нам, чем стали для неё годы учебы в АУЦА, и чем она хочет заняться в ближайшем будущем.
Meet Youth Council C5+1 Motivation Monday for this week!
This is what the program writes about our student on the official Instagram page:“Tahmina Ustoeva is finishing her first - year majoring in International and Comparative Politics at AUCA. She joined the Youth Council in September 2019 representing Tajikistan. Tahmina is a recipient of the Open Society Foundation scholarship..."
The Daryger youth initiative
AUCA Alumni Aisha Sultanbekova and Aizada Sydykova launched the Daryger initiative to provide transportation and food supplies, hazmat suits, and other personal protective equipment to doctors and medical workers, as well as counseling the population on medical issues.
Food. Feed. Fibre. Sustainable solutions for combating land degradation in Kyrgyzstan
We share with you the materials (presentations and webinar video) from the AUCA Webinar on 17 June "Food.Feed. Fibre. Sustainable solutions for combating land degradation in Kyrgyzstan" dedicated to the international Desertification and Drought Day 2020.
Food. Feed. Fibre. Sustainable solutions for combating land degradation in Kyrgyzstan - the links to the webinar video and the presentations
Share with you the materials (presentations and webinar video) from the AUCA Webinar "Food. Feed. Fibre. Sustainable solutions for combating land degradation in Kyrgyzstan".
Position Announcements for TSPC: Project Manager and Project specialist on public awareness, education and communication
The Tian Shan Policy Center of the American University of Central Asia, is looking to fill a Project Manager and a Project Specialist positions for a multi-year international project on promoting energy and resource efficiency in the tourism sector. Full-time position to start in June / July 2020.
Summer School Course on “Strategic Litigation in Human Rights”: Instructors
Apply for a summer school course. This is a great opportunity for all students interested in Human Rights to learn about strategic litigation in human rights and have the fascinating experience to be taught by a distinct international faculty and local human rights experts. 

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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