American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 277

Empowering Youth: AUCA Successfully Hosted Strengthening Youth-led Family Planning Event
On October 30, AUCA proudly announced the successful hosting of the Strengthening Youth-led Family Planning Event, a pivotal occasion within the framework of the UNFPA-Kyrgyzstan project. This creative and educational initiative aimed to address crucial issues related to family planning and reproductive health among young people, particularly within the university community.
Visit of Anne Seshadri, SCA Public Diplomacy Office Director
On October 24, Anne Seshadri, the Public Diplomacy Office Director of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA), visited the AUCA campus. During her visit, she met with Dr. Timothy O'Connor, AUCA President, and discussed the value of educating young leaders of the region and the world for AUCA remaining on the Top universities in Central Asia.
iHub Startup Launch
On Sunday, Oct 15, 2023 AUCA held an event dedicated to the Ihub Startup Launch, where hundreds of people gathered for the presentation of the innovative educational marketplace iHub. All the event guests had an opportunity to access exclusive knowledge and guidance from experts in the education sector.
"AUCA Professors conducted a Rural Research Expedition at Wits University, South Africa, as Part of the CORUSUS Project"
 " CORUSUS Project: Enhancing Rural Sustainability Across Continents" From May 15-29, in a groundbreaking initiative, AUCA Professors  Cholpon Turdalieva and Ruslan Rakhimov embarked on a Rural Research Expedition at Wits University in South Africa as part of the CORUSUS Project.
AUCA, CEU, and Bard College Launch Innovative Collaborative Geospatial Course
On October 4, 2023, we hosted our first joint online course, Introduction to Geospatial Data Visualization (IGVI), within the framework of the Network Collaborative Course (NCC) initiative. This collaboration brings together three institutions: the American University of Central Asia (AUCA), Central European University (CEU), and Bard College.
Empowering Leadership in Central Asia: The Leadership Academy for Development
In August of this year, AUCA graduates - Askar Sydykov, Uluk Kydyrbayev, Director of the MBA program, Saikal Anvar kyzy, as well as leaders of the business communities of Kyrgyzstan - Dastan Abdyldayev, Rustam Baltabayev and Gulnara Kalikova, together with other participants from Central Asian countries, took part in the regional program "Leadership Academy for Development" (LAD), which was held in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
The Vibrant "Startup Nation Hackathon" at AUCA: A Recap of Innovative Excellence

In a remarkable showcase of innovation and technological prowess, Kyrgyzstan recently hosted the much-anticipated "Startup Nation Hackathon" from September 16 to 17. This exhilarating event was a part of the vibrant academic atmosphere at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA), providing a dynamic platform for participants to create their IT projects and compete for an impressive prize pool of $15,000.
AUCA, CEU, and Bard College Launch Innovative Collaborative Geospatial Course
On October 4, 2023, we hosted our first joint online course, Introduction to Geospatial Data Visualization (IGVI), within the framework of the Network Collaborative Course (NCC) initiative.
Aizana Arslanbekova: “During my studies in AUCA I challenged myself in different spheres to find out my strengths”
Aizana Arslanbekova, a senior student in Business Administration.During my studies at AUCA, I challenged myself in different spheres to discover my strengths; however, it was not enough to see my potential.
Aidana Mukanbetkalieva: “AUCA's foundation played a crucial role in preparing me for this adventure.”
I'm Aidana Mukanbetkalieva, and I'm excited to share my incredible exchange semester journey with you! I'm a senior student majoring in Economics at AUCA, and I recently had the privilege of spending a transformative semester in the city that never sleeps: New York!

The decision to participate in this exchange was driven by my desire to expand my horizons and gain a global perspective before stepping into the professional world.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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