American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Article in Kereez 2

Article in Kereez


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TALENT is a new unique AUCA Master's Program  

AUCA is launching a new, interdisciplinary Master's program, Talent Management and Human Development in Organizations, or TALENT for short. The unique, innovative program trains specialists in proactive human talent management to create and develop organizations of high quality and excellence. The Program graduates will become specialists in creating a talent management system and developing the capacities of staff in organizations. This Master's Program is made possible by an Erasmus+ grant (Key Action 2 - Capacity building program in the field of higher education).

The Program is a member of an international educational consortium of leading universities in the European Union and Central Asia:

  • Vrije Universiteit Brussel
  • Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg
  • Institute for the Study of Societies and Knowledge, Sofia
  • Athens University of Economics and Business – Research Center, Greece
  • Nazarbayev University
  • Westminster International University in Tashkent
  • Innovative University of Eurasia, Pavlodar
  • Bukhara State University

The new Master of Art Program is called “Talent Management and Human Potential Development in Organizations”, since people make the foundation for any business. And the foundation of a successful business is talented people. Our department delivers knowledge on how to identify talents and engage them to a company, how to develop, retain and use talents for a company’s benefit. 

Do you want your company to lead the market? You need to have talented staff! Such people have higher productivity, create unique products, added value, and a competitive advantage. Due to the talents, your company thrives and their availability is not the ultimate goal of the business but it is its competitive advantage.   

How to achieve company prosperity? This can be done with the help of our specialist. When our specialist comes to your company/organization, the first thing he/she does is a measure/study the capacity of each staff member and understand where and how this capacity can be used in the most effective way.  

We do know that each of us has the capacity and often it is not used at all or is not used fully. Our manager conducts diagnostics of staff members using certain techniques and methods and provides management with recommendations on how to most effectively and efficiently place staff members in relevant positions. But that is not the end. Our specialist outlines managerial strategies: he/she develops the talents and potential of a staff member, puts people into teams and sets tasks correctly. Such a team of united, capable, contemporary staff members easily and simply turns your company/organization towards sustainable successful development.  

Currently, the old approach does not work when, having a position, we are looking for a candidate to fill it  аnd then write job responsibilities. Now all contemporary, sustainable companies oriented to a long-term prosperous future are geared to tapping individuals’ talents and managing the talents and capacities of their teams. 

This is a new specialty; there are no such innovative university departments in the Kyrgyz Republic. Our university is the first to educate qualified specialists in this field. And our students will learn about the most significant issues in the field of talent management, learn to recognize talents, and learn strategies for attracting them to a company. Such a specialist, while recruiting and developing talented staff, makes your organization stronger, better prepared for changes and risks. Such a specialist can find ways to use the capabilities of new tools and solve problems or come up with original ideas,”- says Ms. Galina Gorborukova, the chair of the TALENT Master’s Program.  

Please note, that the program adheres to an interdisciplinary and interactive approach to education with distance learning elements. Students will be involved in applied research and internships at leading companies in the Kyrgyz Republic. 

The language of instruction is English.

Evening classes. The duration of the study is 2 years.


American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
AUCA Contacts