American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Article in Kereez 1

Article in Kereez

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Muktarbek kyzy Akylai told about her participation in a meeting in Greece on the creation and implementation of the Master's Program 

From February 10 to 28, AUCA, the following professors: Makhinur Mamatova, Mehrigul Ablezova, Kamila Mateeva, Akylai Muktarbek kyzy participated in another meeting of the International Education Consortium to create and implement a Master's Program, aimed at training professionals in talent management and human resource development in organizations.

Meetings were held at the following universities: Vrij (Brussels, Belgium); Otto von Guericke (Magdeburg, Germany); Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Sofia); Athens University of Economics and Business - Research Center (Greece). The consortium of universities and work on the "Talent" Program is supported by the European Union's Erasmus+ program. AUCA launches the Talent Program in September 2020.

Muktarbek kyzy Akylai, assistant professor in AUCA's Economics Department, is engaged in developing two courses in the Talent Program: "Strategic Aspects of Human Development" and "Intercultural and Comparative Studies in Human Development”. 

Muktarbek kyzy Akylai participated in the meeting in Greece, at Athens University of Economics and Business. She told us about her trip: "We developed courses with colleagues from Nazarbayev University (Nur-Sultan), Eurasia Innovation University (Pavlodar), KEU (Bishkek), Westminster University in Tashkent, coached by professors from Athens University of Economics and Business. We had workshops on selected topics related to strategic and international HR.

We also visited top Greek companies and participated in active discussions within the working group. Students of the Talent Master's Program will gain theoretical and practical knowledge about strategies, design and integration of models for human resource management and human development, based on the business strategy of the company within the courses we develop”.

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