American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Baktyiar Asanov

Baktyiar Asanov

◆ Date of Birth:  10.02.1989

◆ Ethnicity: Kyrgyz

◆ Marital status:  married

◆ Mob: +996 703 18 14 87

◆ e-mail:



Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan                                                                    

Master of Chemistry and Chemical Technology                                                                       2011-2013

  • The study of the complexation of iron (III) with citric acid in an aqueous medium "

Kyrgyz National University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan                                                                    

Bachelor of Chemistry and Chemical Technology                                                                    2007-2011

School № 1named. L.N.Tolstoy, Balykchy, Kyrgyzstan                                                          1996-2007



  • WinLab32;
  • Microsoft office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher); Pro Show Producer;
  • Ex-Act.




 2015 - Present .  American University of Central Asia, Assistant Professor of  Environmental Sustainability and Climate Science Department  and Applied Geology Department.                              

Preparation of laboratory work, laboratory classes, teaching in environmental and geochemistry.


 2017 - 2019  The State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Implementation of public monitoring over the activities of the State Inspectorate for Environmental and Technical Safety under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.


2017- Present. Project «Integrated water resources management (IWRM) and strategic environmental assessment (SEA) of Kabul and Amu Darya Rivers» KR National coordinator. 

Coordination from administration duties, project management duties.


2013  Issyk-Kul Biosphere Reserve Head of Sector "Analytical control".  Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan.

Selection and conservation of water and soil samples. Analysis, writing the reports.


2013-2014  Bishkek Mountain Technical College.

Lectures on chemistry and ecology, preparation of laboratory work, laboratory activities.


2012 - 2015 Association "Akmena" trainer - consultant on science.

Training for students and teachers to analyze the water on portable laboratories, preparation and conduct chemical show.


2012-2013 OSCE project "Water Quality Monitoring in Kyrgyzstan", volunteer, Kyrgyzstan.

Training students and teachers in regions of Kyrgyzstan on the analysis of water on portable laboratories.


2012- 2016 NATO project «Assessment of Transboundary waters in Central Asia»,  science officer.

Water sampling, conservation of samples, sample analysis on the spectrometer AAnalist800, writing the reports. Perform field measurements.


2012  Center for Education Evaluation and teaching methods (CEATM),  Accels «National Scholarship Test 2012" administrator.                     

Preparation of the test room, test for applicants, responsibility for test materials.


2012 The project "Summer School Youth Trade Union leadership Kyrgyzstan 2012" Organizer and coach.    Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan.

Writing project, preparation of handouts, conducting training on conflictology and on the basics of the trade union.


 2011 “Stewart Assay and Environmental Laboratories"    Laboratory assistant. Kara-Balta, Kyrgyzstan.

Preparation and analysis of samples.



  • International Forum of Young Specialists “Zhashyl Oi-2014” , Kyrgyzstan 2014

Organized by Sustainable Development Department  of JSC “Kumtor Gold Company”, Ministry of Labour, Migration and Youth of the Kyrgyz Republic, Public Foundation “Youth Initiatives Development Foundation”.      

  • Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”, Kyrgyzstan 2014

Turkish language courses «TÖMER».

  • Regional Seminar for teachers and experts of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, Alma Ata, Kazakhstan 2013

The project "Green Pack for Central Asia - Glaciers" and "Music Glacier"

  • «Driving School Balykchy», Kyrgyzstan 2013

Driving courses, driving license category B,C.

  • Study course by exploitation of atomic absorption spectrophotometry AAnalyst 800, Kyrgyzstan 2012

Ltd.«Scheltec AG»

  • Training on the analysis of water quality, Kyrgyzstan 2012

OSCE the project «Water Quality Monitoring in Kyrgyzstan"

  • Training on the analysis of water quality, Kyrgyzstan 2012

UN ECE and CAREC, the project "Water quality in Central Asia".

  • Institute for Public Policy project "School of Young Parliamentarians", Kyrgyzstan 2012
  • Institute for Public Policy Project "Youth and peaceful methods of conflict resolution", Kyrgyzstan 2011
  • Certificate for contribution to the development of the project, Kyrgyzstan 2006

 Information Centre of Democracy, the project "Promotion of democratic reforms in Kyrgyzstan and among youth Balykchy".

  • Training for Elections, Kyrgyzstan 2006

The National Democratic Institute, project "Mobilizing and strengthening young voters Kyrgyz Republic "

  • Diploma for participation Kyrgyzstan 2005

 International environmental organization SPARE, the project «Within the national SPARE competition 2005".



Kyrgyz – Native  Russian – Fluent  English – Good  Turkish- Good


  • Eyliv Steynes., Sadyrov O., Kozhobaev K., Kysanov Ch., Ismatillaev S., Asanov B. “Preliminary results of the project NATO SfP 983945 «Evaluation of transboundary water pollution in Central Asia» in Kyrgyz Republic 2014”.
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B., Sultanaliev K. “Air quality assessment of Bishkek city as an indicator of sustainable development”. Herald of the institute of seismology NAS KR. №2 2016.
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B., Guidance Manual on Sampling and Analysis of Water and Soil.EMSD, AUCA, 2016
  • Asanov B., Kozhobaev K “Modern technique and technology determining trace elements in the water - an example for determination of cadmium in the Naryn river waters”. IX International Youth Conference "Modern Technologies and Technologies in Scientific Research".Scientific Station of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Bishkek. 2017
  • Asanov B.D., Kojobaev K.A. Sadyrov O.A., Otorova S. Totubaeva N. Definition of the essential elements - chrome and molybdenum in the waters of the river Naryn. Proceedings of the Congress "Uluslararasi Yel Bakentler Kongresi." 8-11 May 2018. Konya. Turkey. P. 724.
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B., Kurmanbaeva K. Radiation Safety Behavior Booklet EMSD, AUCA, 2018
  • M. Avazbekova, A. Aitbaev, Zh. Kulenbekov, M. Nurgaziev, B. Asanov Environmental and socio-economic assessment of vulnerable villages in Kyrgyzstan. comparative analysis of Kuntuu, Boroldoi, Oirondu and Daroot Korgon settlements. Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Practical ConferenceVol.2, January 20, 2019, Warsaw, Poland
  • Asanov B., Nurgaziev M., Orozbaev R. The state of public parks and gardens in Bishkek: their usage for educational activities and role for sustainable development of city. International Conference on Sil-road Disaster Risk Reduction and SD. 11-16 May,2019. Beijing, China.
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Orunbaev S.,Asanov B., Sharipov B., Vegetation Stress Study in Chon-Alai Area Using NDVI, Kyrgyzstan.
    Test Engineering and Management. Article Info Volume 81, Page Number: 5062 – 5084. Publication Issue: ISSN: 0193-4120. Scopus Journal. 2019
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B., Investigation of Trace Elements Concentrations in Radioactive Tailing Sites, Kyrgyzstan. Proceedings of “World Congress on Geology & Earth Science” on July 11-13, 2019 in London, UK.
  • Kulenbekov Zh., Asanov B.,(editors) Book "Water Resource Management in Central Asia and Afghanistan (Springer Water). Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Current and Future State of Water Resource Management and Environmental Issues in Central Asia” .June 24-26, 2019. Bishkek.
  • Asanov B.D., Otorova S.T., Totubaeva N.E., Kozhobaev K.A., Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic facilitieson physical indicators of water in the Naryn river. Scientific journal. Advances in current natural sciences 2021. – No 6 – P. 56-61. 05.07.2021

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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