American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Jyldyz Kuvatova, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Journalism and Mass Communication Department

Division of Arts, Humanities and Communication


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Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 481

Room: 415


Dr. Jyldyz Kuvatova is an Associate Professor in the Journalism and Mass Communication department at the American University of Central Asia. She holds a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University (2001, Kyrgyzstan), a Master of Arts in Strategic Communication from Missouri School of Journalism (2006, USA), and a Master’s degree in Philosophy and Sociopolitical Sciences from Saint Petersburg State University (1993, Russia). 

Dr. Kuvatova joined AUCA in 2006 and teaches strategic communication, theory, and research classes, with expertise in strategic communication, program management, human rights, GEWE, media development, research, and management consulting. She led the UN Women country office’s programs, the EU-funded Media and Civic Participation in Transparency & Accountability Project of Internews Europe, and strategic communications management of the UNDP Kyrgyzstan country office. In 2008, she helped found Kloop Media Foundation, serving on its board till 2015. She serves as a board member of two national NGOs – the Institute of Development Policy and the Public Foundation “For Food Security and Nutrition.”

  • Edmund Muskie Fellowship, 2006
  • Freedom Support Act Fellowship, 2004
  • Foreign Service National (FSN) of the Year 2004 Award, U.S. Embassy Bishkek, June 2004.
  • Superior Honor Award for helping to save the lives of 22 helicopter crash survivors, U.S. Embassy Bishkek, April 2004.
  • Franklin Awards for extraordinary effort and service to the Consular Section, Embassy of the United States of America, and American Community in the Kyrgyz Republic, June and December 2002.
  • Digital Humanities
  • Gender and Media
  • Media Literacy
  • Strategic Communications
  • Fact-Checking in Central Asia: From Soviet Shadows to Journalistic Light, submitted January 2024 for Palgrave’s “Fact-Checking in the Global South” volume.
  • Guide for Training Facilitators: Gender, policy analysis and strategic communication: basic concepts and tools for Central Asian CSOs (with E. Rossi). EU-UN Regional Spotlight Initiative for Central Asia and Afghanistan, 2022
  • Impact of Megatrends on Reproductive Rights Through the Lens of Family Planning, presentation at 7 th Annual “Life in Kyrgyzstan” Conference, SESSION 1.2: Demographic Developments: Insights from Research,, Organizers: University of Central Asia, Kyrgyz Republic, The Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, Germany, International Security and Development Center, Germany, Partners: AUCA, Mercy Corps, World Bank, and UNFPA, Venue: online, October 26-28, 2021,
  • Journalism Education in Kyrgyzstan: Many Challenges with Possible Incremental Solutions (with Diana Dutsyk and Marek Bekerman) // based on Needs Assessment of Journalism Education for Media Dialogue Project funded by EU, 2 August 2021 at (in Rus), 12 August 2021 at (in Ukrainian)
  • Impact of Megatrends on Reproductive Rights and Family Planning // Review of Megatrends for UNFPA, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, January 2021, 05/UNFPA_MT_Eng_Arial.pdf 
  • Dreams of Women, Peace and Security in Kyrgyzstan, blog, 1 July 2020, 5. Analyzing Gatekeeping in Kyrgyzstan: Levels of Analysis // Paper submitted to 65th Annual ICA Conference “Communication Across the Life Span,” San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21-25 May 2015. 
  • On the Brink: Students and the Internet in Kyrgyzstan (with Hans Ibold) // Paper submitted to Central Eurasian Studies Society (CESS) Conference, Seattle, Washington, October 2007. 
  • Beat Memo: Kyrgyzstan (with Hans Ibold) // Global Journalist Magazine, First Quarter, 2006 at 
  • Forced Labor and Trafficking (with Bektour Sydykov) // Joint Project of BBC and Missouri School of Journalism 2005 at 
  • Archetypical Basis of Socio-Cultural Processes (on Kyrgyz Culture Materials) //In: Current Problems of Education and Spiritual Culture in Eurasian Space. Bishkek-Leipzig, 2000 (in Russian). 
  • Social Character and Value Orientation in Transition Period (with Nina Brudnaya) //In: The Task for Tomorrow. (Kyrgyzstan: Education and Society in Transition Period). Bishkek: Discourse, 2000 (in Russian). 
  • Forming the Personality in the Light of Radical Humanism: E. Fromm // In: The Modern World: Researches of Young Scholars, Materials of the Summer University of Soros-Kazakhstan Foundation, Almaty, 1999 (in Russian). Jyldyz Kuvatova, Curriculum Vitae: Feb-23, p. 7 
  • Philosophy of Structural Analysis on the Unconscious // In: The Subject of Cognition. Bishkek: KRSU, 1998 (in Russian). 
  • Ludwig Wittgenstein and the Cognition Subject Problem // In: Wittgenstein’s Ideas in the Context of Formation of the Modern Philosophical Trends in Kyrgyzstan. Bishkek: National Academy of Sciences, 1998 (in Russian). 
  • What Should We Do to Have ‘The Fourth Power’? // AKI-Press weekly, #15-16, July 1997. SorosKyrgyzstan Foundation's Competition – 1997: “How to Change Kyrgyzstan” (in Russian). 
  • Historical and Psychological Roots of the Concepts of Open and Authoritarian Societies // Third Scientific Seminar “Humanities without Ideology,” 16-20 December 1996, Soros-Kyrgyzstan Foundation (in Russian). 
  • Archetypes of Fire and Nomadic People in the Cultural and Historical Past of the Kyrgyz People // Conference Dedicated to Anniversary of Psychoanalysis, Bishkek: KRSU, 1996 (in Russian).
  • Ideology: What Is This? // Article in “Res Publica” newspaper, Bishkek, 21 May 1996. Soros-Kyrgyzstan Foundation's Competition – 1996 (in Russian). 
  • Ontology of Development in Cultural and Historical Theory of L. S. Vygotsky // Conference Dedicated to 100 Anniversary of L. S. Vygotsky, Bishkek: KRSU, 1996 (in Russian). 
  • Communication Theory and Practice
  • Gender and Media
  • Research and Writing Colloquium
  • Visual Communication and its Psychological Aspects

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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