American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Faculty & Staff

Faculty & Staff

Natalia Korosteleva, Ph.D.

Ph.D., Associate Professor

Business Administration Program

School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration


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Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 463

Room: 215


Dr. Natalia Korosteleva is an Associate Professor at the School of Entrepreneurship and Business Administration of the American University of Central Asia. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Sciences from Kyrgyz Russian Slavonic University, attested by the Moscow Attestation Commission (2005, Kyrgyzstan), and a specialized degree in Linguistics from Kyrgyz State University (1981, Kyrgyzstan). She completed specialized courses in Business Administration in 1999. 

Dr. Korosteleva joined AUCA in 2007 and served on the Scientific Council and Senate, as well as in academic and advising activities. With over 20 publications, she explores topics in business, management, business communication, students’ values and norms, and education. She develops projects for implementation with students and applies a wide variety of pedagogical tools, methods, and participatory approaches in her classes. 

Dr. Korosteleva serves on the Board of Directors of Habitat—Kyrgyzstan. During her career, she gained extensive practical experience taking managerial positions for multi-national, multi-religious, and multi-disciplinary international and local projects, programs, and companies. She gained valuable experience as an international consultant in post-conflict environments of Kosovo, Pakistan, and Osh (Kyrgyzstan) and as a company business representative in the United Arab Emirates. 

  • Presidential Research and Education Fund Award, 2023, AUCA
  • Application of AI Tools for Business Communication
  • Integral INdexes of Anomie, Cynicism, Social Distance
  • Sustainable Development
  • Monograph “Social Mobilisation as an instrument of Sustainable Development under the conditions of globalization”. - Bishkek: KRSU, 2006. - p 204.
  • Issues for perfection and visualization of the Regional Strategy for Sustainable Mountain Development in Central Asia // Mountains of Central Asia. -2002, - #1, pp.32-49 (co-author with A. Sorokin, V. Yakovlev).
  • Problems of information marginalization of remote mountainous areas of Kyrgyzstan & the Mountains of Central Asia. - 2003, - #3, p.58-65 (co-author with M. Glushko, T. Chernook).
  • Social Mobilisation and Poverty Alleviation in KR. -Almaty: Al Farabi, 2004 (co-author with N. Brudny) 
  • Concept of Sustainable Development and Ecological policy issues. V.5. #7. – B.: KRSU, 2005. pp. 21-26.
  • Role of humanitarian knowledge for ecological problem resolving. Institute of World Culture. Issue 4. War. Peace. Intellectual heritage. Editor –acad. Ploskih. - Bishkek-Leipzig: Ilim, 2005. pp 227-232.
  • The Role of Civil Society in the Development of KR. - Bishkek: MOK, 2005. – pp. 76-82Diagnostics of risks and dangers. - B.: MOK, 2005. – pp. 139-145.
  • Ecological Policy Issues and Civil Society. - B.: Agrarian Uni, 2005. - pp. 139-143.
  • Education as a tool for Sustainable Development. - B., Vestnik KRSU, 2006.
  • Poverty and migration in mountainous countries// Problems of mountainous countries, Kyrgyzstan as an example: threats and challenges of the present. Editor –acad. Dz. Dzeenbaev. – B.: Ilim, 2006. p. 127-157.
  • Cultural diversity and heritage of the mountainous peoples. Editor- Acad. Ploskih, A. Zdusupbekov// Problems of mountainous countries, Kyrgyzstan as an example: threats and challenges of the present. – B.: Ilim, 2006, p.191-217
  • Statistic indexes of standards and value scale of students (Medical Faculty and School of Economics of KRSU//Physiology, morphology and pathology of a human being and animals under the condition of Kyrgyzstan. Issue 8. –B., 2008, p.108-114 (co-author with A. Sorokin, T. Sologubov).
  • Implementation of Sustainable Development: Do we need to change the education system and perception of the younger generation?- Vestnik KRSU, V.8. #8. – B.: KRSU, 2008. pp. 85-91
  • Retrospective analysis of Social Mobilisation as a Tool for SD. - Vestnik KRSU, V.12. #3. – B.: KRSU, 2012. pp. 22-26.
  • Evaluation of students’ values - social aspects// Universal and national aspects in philosophy: scientific research papers of Department of Philosophy and Political Science of KRSU. Issue 2.-Б., 2012. Pp.40-56.
  • Development of Integral index of AUCA students’ social values and tolerance// Physiology, morphology, and pathology of a human being and animals under the condition of Kyrgyzstan. –B., 2012. – pp.24-28; (co-authors: A. Sorokin, T. Sologubov)
  • Tolerance as a necessity for life (estimation and evaluation of various indexes of AUCA students) //Universal and national aspects in philosophy: scientific research papers of Department of Philosophy and Political Science of KRSU. Issue 3.-Б., 2013. pp.60-75. (co-author A. Sorokin)
  • Comparative analysis of Indexes of norms and values systems among students of Medical Faculty of KRSU// modern aspects of Federal State Educational Standards and Federal State Requirements implementation. Material of conferences. / editor-in-chief S.U Nikulin – Krasnoyarsk: publishing house Kras GMU, 2013.- pp 122-125 (total 537)
  • Project Management Simulation as a Recommended Tool for Integrative Teaching //Business Education in Central Asia/editor-in-chief Kathryn Nantz-USA, CAEF, 2014
  • Measured Integral Indexes Revealing AUCA Students’ Consciousness, Attitudes and Perceptions//Journal of Social Welfare and Human Rights. Vol. 2, No. 1 , pp. 17-27, 2015
  • Analysis of integral index of social welfare of Farmers from Southern Kyrgyzstan//Problems and challenges of fundamental Medicine in the XXI century. Issue 15.-B., 2015.pp211-216 (Co-authors: A. Sorokin, T.Sologubova)
  • Business Communication, BA level
  • Leadership and Communication, MBA level
  • Organizational Behaviour, BA level
  • Organizational Behaviour, MBA level

American University of Central Asia
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Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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