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Faculty & Staff

Enver Atamanov, Ph.D.


Applied Mathematics and Informatics Department

Division of Applied Sciences


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Phone: +996 (312) 915000 ext. 426

Room: 415


Professor Enver Atamatov is a Professor of Mathematics in the Applied Mathematics and Informatics department of the American University of Central Asia. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences from the Siberian branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1980, Russia). He has a specialized degree in mathematics (Mathematician/Teacher of Mathematics) from Kyrgyz State University (1971, Kyrgyzstan). 

Professor Atamanov joined AUCA in 2000 and has 40 years of teaching experience in different universities in Kyrgyzstan, including teaching mathematics and statistics to AUCA students from the Social Sciences Division. He has published more than 80 publications, several of them in Japan and the Netherlands. 

Professor Atamatov participated in various professional development conferences and seminars, including The International Conference on Differential Equations (2007, Russia), the International Conference on Inverse Problems for Pseudo-Parabolic Equations (2006), the International Conference on Differential Equations (2001, 2003, Kyrgyzstan), and the Mathematical Congress devoted to 100th anniversary of Lavrentiev (2000, Russia). 

  • III-posed problems of mathematical physics
  • Nonclassical and inverse problems for pseudo-parabolic equations
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. Восстановление ядер операторного интеродифференциального уравнения псевдопараболического типа. И.Д.У., выпуск 44, Илим, Бишкек, 2013.
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. (пособие для поступающих в АУЦА). Издательство АУЦА, Бишкек, 2012
  • E. R. Atamanov, Altynnikova L.A. and Sklyar S.N. Using a specific pedagogical theory in the construction of mathematics placement test for incoming collegiate students at the American University of Central Asia in Kyrgyzstan. 2008. Academic Preview AUCA №2. P 223-229.
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. (пособие для поступающих в АУЦА). Из-во АУЦА, Бишкек, 2007.
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. Оценка устойчивости решения одной смешанной задачи для уравнения теплопроводности. Вестник АУЦА, 2006, №4, стр. 199-206
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. Задача о восстановлении температурного режима по показаниям подвижного датчика. Вестник АУЦА, 2005, №2, стр. 100-118
  • Atamanov E.R, Sklyar S.N. The problem of restoration of temperature according to the indications of flexible sensors: uniqueness, stability, and numerical solution. 2005.
  • Academic Preview AUCA №3, Bishkek, p100-118.
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. Трехточечная для псевдопараболического уравнения. Вестник АУЦА, 2004, №2, с. 75-83
  • S. P. Shishatskii ,‎ A. Asanov,‎ E. R. Atamanov. Uniqueness problems for Degenerating Equations and Neoclassical Problems, VSP Utrecht The Netherlands, Tokyo, Japan, 2001
  • Атаманов, Э. Р. Математика (для поступающих  в АУК). Из-во АУК, Бишкек, 2001
  • A. Asanov and E. R. Atamanov. Nonclassical and Inverse problems for pseudo-parabolic equations, VSP Utrecht The Netherlands, Tokyo, Japan 1997
  • An Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (eng)
  • An introduction to probability and statistics
  • Basics of Algebra, Geometry and Analysis (eng)
  • College-Mathematics
  • Intro to Contemporary Mathematics I
  • Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics (rus)
  • Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics I
  • Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics II
  • Mathematical analysis I (eng)
  • Mathematics for Business and Economics I
  • Mathematics for Humanitarian Sciences
  • Mathematics for life (eng)

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