Project Concept for Joint AUCA/Ala Archa Alpine Camp
Purpose: The purpose of this project is to establish the Ala Archa Alpine Camp (AAAC) as a welcoming,
ecologically-sound, affordable base for park visitors, as a training area and recreation base for AUCA
students, and as a funding source for both the Ala Archa National Park and AUCA outdoor leadership
Project Key Tasks:
1. Execute and subsequently market the AUCA ecological leadership pilot program to
illustrate innovative university use of the park. This pilot program will include a
conservation project within the park to strengthen the physical link and commitment
between AUCA and Ala Archa National Park.
2. Create an ecologically and monetarily feasible design for the AAAC, complete a
remodeling plan, and create a detailed budget for AAAC project.
3. Apply for and secure grant funding for AAAC remodel project
4. Create an operation plan for the AAAC through collaboration with both AUCA and Ala
Archa National Park staff. The plan should include details regarding operation,
maintenance, and funding of the AAAC.
5. Conduct a training season during which AUCA students and park staff work together to
establish AAAC standard operating procedures
Endstate: Ala Archa Alpine Camp (AAC) construction is complete no later than June 2017, students
conduct training season from June-August 2017, and AAAC completes first fully operational summer
season by August 2018.