American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 526

Online Scheduling System at WARC
Of the changes we’ve made at WARC this year, the most visible to our students (perhaps with the exception of our new large and beautiful space), is our online scheduling system. This new system was a product of a close partnership between WARC management, the Office of the Chief Information Officer, and the AUCA student body.
President Andrew Wachtel clarifies questions about AUCA parking policy
After September 21, 2015, parking at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) will no longer be free. There will be a total of 70 parking spaces. One parking space will cost $100 per academic year. AUCA president Andrew Wachtel, who has already paid for his parking space, was interviewed to clarify the most common questions.
Winners of the International Hackathon Garage48 in Bishkek
On September 11-13, the International Hackathon Garage48 took place in the American University of Central Asia. The project “Segmently” won the Hackathon.
AUCA will be hosting the International Hackathon Garage48
Garage48 Bishkek 2015 takes place on the 11-13 September, 2015 at American University of Central Asia. JOIN us to bring teams full of talent and creativity together to make an idea into a working prototype in just a weekend.
Yrys Abdieva: “Grâce à ce programme d'échange, j’ai pu acquérir à l’expérience la plus merveilleuse et inoubliable”
Grâce au programme d’échange entre SciencePo et AUCA, Yrys Abdieva, étudiante de troisième année de la faculté des Etudes Européennes, a passé sa session de printemps à l'Institut des Sciences Politiques à Reims en France. Elle a suivi le cours de politique, a pratiqué le français et  a voyagé à travers le pays pendant les fins de semaine.
Svetlana Dzardanova: "AUCA played a life-changing role"
Svetlana Dzardanova is a 2007 graduate of AUCA’s Psychology department. Originally, from Turkmenistan, Svetlana currently lives in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. After graduation from AUCA she matriculated to the MA program at Bishkek’s OSCE Academy and was offered a job at the Academy upon graduation, where she currently works as Research and Training Coordinator.
First graduate of AUCA’s MA in Central Asian Studies
Ali Reza Yasa, of the 2014-2015 class, is the first graduate from the Master of Arts in Central Asian Studies (MACAS) program at AUCA’s Central Asian Studies Institute. Originally from Afghanistan, Yasa received his combined Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from American University of Afghanistan and Kateb University.
Karina Bobusheva, Presidential Scholar of 2015: "GPA reflects diligence, not intellectual abilities"
Karina Bobusheva recently graduated in business administration and completed a minor in psychology. Alike all presidential scholars of the graduating year 2014-15 in total - she has shown excellent, even outstanding, academic achievement during her study at AUCA by maintaining a GPA superior to 3.8 (out of 4).
Eleonnora Turdubaeva: "AUCA helps its students to discover their talents"
AUCA Psychology Department's alumna, Eleonnora Turdubaeva, has won the Best Student in Mental Health Counseling Award as she graduated from a Master's Program at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, USA. Eleonnora told us about her studies in the US, her life philosophy, and all the challenges she has faced aiming towards her dream.
Valentina Khomenko: “I have a big goal of doing something meaningful for the development of our region”
Valentina Khomenko is a graduate of Business Administration Department of the class of 2015. She is one of the best students, who are in the President’s List for her excellent academic achievements. 

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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