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CASI Research Seminar Series: Publishing in, on and for Central Asia: constrains and opportunities
CASI Research Seminar Series: Publishing in, on and for Central Asia: constrains and opportunities
This event was organized in the format of a discussion and aimed to outline the state of publishing in the field of Central Asian Studies. How do the linguistic, institutional, disciplinary, financial and geopolitical factors influence what gets published, where and with what effects? We invited three distinguished scholars to present their views speaking from diverse experiences and institutional positions. The discussion was held in English and Russian.
Publishing in, on and for Central Asia: constrains and opportunities
This event is organized in the format of a discussion and aims to outline the state of publishing in the field of Central Asian Studies.
Frank G. Karioris: “Students who graduate from AUCA have the opportunity to give back to their country and community..."
Today we want to introduce you to Frank G. Karioris, an Assistant Professor in Sociology and General Education. Professor Karioris has a PhD in Comparative Gender Studies with a Specialization in Sociology & Social Anthropology, an MA in Social Development, and a BA in History and Education. Frank is one of our newest professors, and below he will share a little about his work at AUCA:
Aichurek Kadyrova: "For more than four decades in education - for more than a decade at AUCA!"
AUCA is one of the hottest names in Central Asia’s higher education, that’s why I’ve applied for vacancies announced by AUCA and succeeded.
Dr. Fatma Jobran, a guest lecture from Taibah University, visited AUCA
On 20 January, 2016, the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA), organized “Design and Innovation,” a guest lecture by Dr. Fatma Jobran from Taibah University in Saudi Arabia. Through the lecture, Dr. Jobran explained how people’s psychological, emotional, and social well-being can be benefited through scientifically and concisely designing their environments.
Certificate Award Ceremony of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) Program
On November 29, 2016, the Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) Program of AUCA held its first Certificate Award Ceremony.
Public Policy Analisys
Course Description
The course is designed to introduce students to main policy processes and issues, and familiarize them with basic policy analysis instruments. The course is divided into three parts – conceptual, contextual and instrumental parts of policy and policy analysis. Reading assigned literature and discussing them in the class would constitute the major part of the course, writing and presenting papers – another part. One of each week’s class would be conducted in the form of lecture with discussions of presented materials, while the second day (seminar) would be devoted to discussing the assigned materials and exploring discussed concepts through the lenses of specific policy cases. Although instructors would bring these cases to the class students are expected to come prepared with their own practical examples. Students have to get acquainted with required readings, and those wishing to deepen their understanding of the subject may familiarize themselves with suggested readings (available either at AUCA library) in the syllabus.
International Organizations
Why do international organizations exist?  What role do they play in solving global problems? Traditional international relations theories characterize the international system as anarchic and focus on interactions between nation-states. Since WWII, international organizations have become more prominent players in the international system. Debate continues in academic and policy communities over why international organizations exist, whether they matter in global politics, and when they can help alleviate global problems. Both in their practical and theoretical aspects, international organizations (IOs) are a dynamic and increasingly important element in the functioning of modern world politics.
Course Description
Kyrgyzstan is an interesting example of a relatively weak state, which for its brief period of independence has already ousted two presidents, experienced two revolutions, survived two interethnic conflicts and yet remained intact. This book explores this apparent paradox and argues that the schism between domestic and international dimensions of state and regime security is key to understanding the nature of Kyrgyz politics. The book shows how the foreign policy links to the Manas Air Base, used by the US military and essential for supplying their forces in Afghanistan, the economic arrangements necessary for sustaining the base, both inside and outside Kyrgyzstan, and the myriad of different actors involved in all this, combined to overshadow points of friction to ensure stable continuance of the status quo. Overall, the book shows how broad geopolitical forces and complex local factors together have a huge impact on the formation of Kyrgyz foreign policy.
Political Economy of Development/ Korea and East Asia
Description of the course
 The course introduces concepts of development through the prism of political economy and with particular focus on East Asia (and Korea particularly). There is also a special emphasis on interregional comparison of East Asia and Central Asia both in terms of their developments as well as on connections between the two regions in terms of development. The course uses examples of connection between East Asia and Central Asia in trade, investment and development. 

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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