American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 34

Bakai Moldoshev: “New York City is the coldest and most expensive but also the most impressive and memorable city.”
Moldoshev Bakai is a junior student in the Anthropology department specializing in International Development. Last semester he spent in New York studying at The Bard Globalization and International Affairs program.
Saliya Khurova: “ I recommend applying to BGIA as you get to experience the real life of a New Yorker ”
Saliya Khurova is a junior student in the Journalism and Mass Communications department, in this interview she shares her experience living, interning, and studying in 
New York City through the BGIA program.
Umarjon Vohidov: "Thanks to you, my dear professors, I feel very confident outside the university"
Umarjon Vohidov is a Junior student of the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at AUCA, This current semester he has spent studying at the American University in Bulgaria located in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. In this interview, Umarjon shares his impressions about his exchange experience.
Tentikeeva Anara on studying in NYC and interning at Rihanna’s organization.
Tentikeeva Anara is a junior student of the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at AUCA. Currently, she is spending her exchange semester in New York, studying at Bard Globalization and International Affairs Program. In this interview, Anara shares her experience of her exchange and its impact on her life.
Samar Kanatov: "For me, the advantage of exchange studies is the pluralism of learning experience"
Samar Kanatov is a junior student of the Economics department at AUCA. This fall semester he is studying at Central European University in Vienna, Austria. Samar always knew that he will participate in exchange and would spend at least one semester abroad.
Aigerim Batyrbek kyzy: “Exchange program is a gateway to personal growth”
Aigerim Batyrbek kyzy is a junior student of the Sociology department at AUCA. Currently, she is studying at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, Poland as part of her exchange program. Today, she shares her story about how the exchange program helped her grow as a person.
Kirgizova Madina: “The memories I made will last forever”
Kirgizova Madina is a junior student of the Anthropology department at AUCA. Her sophomore spring semester she spent studying at the Caucasus University in Georgia. In this interview, Madina talks about how a spontaneous decision had a life-changing impact on her life.
Cholpon Dzhakipova: The endless discovery of Japan
Cholpon Dzhakipova is a senior student majoring in Economics who spent her junior spring semester as an exchange student at Yokohama National University in Japan. “In a few words, this is how I remember Japan: beautiful natural scenery, mesmerizing old streets and houses, unique and exciting culture, and delicious food. And yes, the slogan of its tourism industry is absolutely correct: Endless discovery.” - shares Cholpon.
Bermet Abaeva: “Spending a semester abroad was my dream come true”
Bermet Abaeva is a senior student of the Business Administration Department, who spent a semester studying at IESEG School of Management and living in Paris, France. Always having the vision to study as an exchange student abroad, she decided that the best place to fulfill her goal is to study at AUCA.
Turkish delight: The cultural experience of Adeim Chynybaeva in Istanbul
Adeim Chynybaeva is a junior student in the Liberal Arts and Sciences department, who has always been interested in the cultures and traditions of other countries. When she found out about AUCA providing its students with an opportunity of moving to countries all over the world for an exchange semester, she started preparing for it right away.

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