American University of Central Asia - AUCA - Full Board Application Deadlines

Full Board Application Deadlines


Exempt and Expedited Review Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis (with no deadlines). 


The only exception is the Full Board Review Applications, these have to be submitted according to deadlines (before 5 pm). Please consult our website to learn the difference between the review types: IRB Review 


Please allow 14 business days for each type of review to be completed.


Submission deadlines for Full Board Review Applications in 2024-2025:

  October 7

  November 4

  December 9

  January 13

  February 3

  March 3

  April 14

  May 12

  June 9


IMPORTANT: IRB takes 14 business days AFTER each submission deadline for the review of Full Board Review Applications.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
AUCA Contacts