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Bermet Tursunkulova, Ph.D. in Politics

Director of Development

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Dr. Bermet Tursunkulova is a part-time Professor in the International and Comparative Politics department at the American University of Central Asia. She holds her Kandidat (Ph.D.) in Political Sciences from Kyrgyz-Slavic Russian University (2006, Kyrgyzstan), a Master of Arts in International Relations and European Studies from Central European University (1999, Hungary), and a Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and International Law from International University of Kyrgyzstan (1998, Kyrgyzstan). She is an awardee of the 20th Anniversary Alumni Hero Award from the President of CEU (2011, Hungary). 

Dr. Tursunkulova joined AUCA in 2000 and became a Chair of the International and Comparative Politics department in 2007. She then served as the AUCA’s Vice-President for Academic Affairs from 2008 till 2015. During her term as the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, she directed all curricula changes to meet the US accreditation standards and the alignment to the liberal arts syllabus/standards/teaching style for the Bard degrees. She also directed the transition to complete instruction in English, instituted faculty peer review as an evaluation criterion, and transformed the Orientation Program for Freshmen to focus more on writing, thinking, and articulation skills. Under her leadership, the number of non-Bishkek students increased by more than 10%. She initiated more aggressive recruitment in Kazakhstan, China, and Russia, and student mobility increased from 3 study-abroad programs to 8. She directed the launch of an online course registration system (the only one in the country) and introduced psychological counseling for students. 

Currently, Dr. Tursunkulova is overseeing the AUCA’s Development office. She has significant fundraising experience, having worked since 2017 for the Global Snow Leopard Trust as a Public Relations and Fundraising Consultant. From January to September 2016, she served as Deputy Head of the World Nomad Games Secretariat in Bishkek and was responsible for coordinating preparatory activities for the World Nomad Games (held in September 2016), chief fundraiser, and liaison between the Secretariat, sponsors, partners, and the President’s Administration, and raised more than $3,500,000 in eight months from public and private companies and NGOs. For this work, Bermet received the "Outstanding Service Award to Kyrgyzstan" in March 2017 from the Prime Minister. Bermet served as the Deputy Minister of Education in 2014-2015 and later as an Advisor to the Prime Minister in 2017-2018.

  •  Special Gratitude Letter from the President for the Kyrgyz Republic, March 2017
  • “Outstanding Service to the State Award” received from the Prime-Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic, March 2017
  • “Distinguished Service Award” of the American Councils received from Bill Bradley, U.S. Senator, September 2015
  • “Excellence Award” of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic for the dedication and contribution to the education in the Kyrgyz Republic, September 2013
  • 20th Anniversary Alumni Hero Award from the President of CEU, 2011, Hungary.
  • Democratization
  • Electoral Politics
  • Globalization
  • “Post-Taliban Afghanistan and Central Asia: Will the new regime in Afghanistan shape/reshape the Central Asian regional dynamics for cooperation and security?” (together with Dr. Gorkem Atsungur) – monograph published by the Roza Luxembourg Foundation, Bishkek 2022
  • "Parlamentarizm na electoralnom rinke Kyrgyzstana-do i posle 2010 goda” (“Parliamentarism at the Electoral Market of Kyrgyzstan: before and after 2010”) (in Russian)  with Medet Tiulegenov, February 26, 2015
  • “How Effective is the EITI in the Kyrgyz Republic?”,, January 8, 2014
  • “State, Regime, and Government in the Kyrgyz Republic (1991–2010): Disaggregating a Relationship” with Sally Cummings, Shairbek, Juraev, Alexander Pugachev and Medet Tiulegenov East European Politics, Volume 29, Issue 4, 2013, pp.443-460
  • 'The Power of Precedent”, in Sally N. Cummings (ed.), (2008) Domestic and International Perspectives on Kyrgyzstan's 'Tulip Revolution': Motives, Mobilization and Meanings in Central Asian Survey, Vol 28, Nos 3-4, pp. 347-360 reprinted in  “The Power of Precedent”, Sally Cummings (ed.) 2009. Domestic and International Perspectives on Kyrgyzstan's 'Tulip Revolution': Motives, Mobilization and Meanings. Routledge, London.
  • “Perspektivy razvitiya post-sovetskih gosudarstv Centralnoi Azii v globalizirueshemsya mire” (The Development of Perspectives of the Post-Soviet States of the Central Asia in the Globalizing World”). (monograph in Russian). Bishkek, 2006.
  • “Usloviya razvitiya post-sovetskih gosudarstv v globalizirueshemsa mire (“The Conditions of Development of Post-Soviet States in the Globalizing World”), Obshestvennye i gumanitarnye nauki ( Social Sciences and Humanities), # 4, 2006, Bishkek.
  • “Vashingtonsky consensus i razvivaushiesa strany” (“The Washington Consensus and Developing Countries”), Vestnik KRSU, Volume 6, # 6, 2006, Bishkek.
  • “Nazionalnye gosudarstva i novye vyzovy v epohu globalizazii” (“Nation-states and New Challenges in the Era of Globalization”), Sayasat (Policy) Analytical Journal of the Institute for Development of Kazakhstan, # 6, June 2006, pp.4-6.
  • “Problemy zentralno-aziatskogo regiona v epohu globalizazii” (“Problems of the Central Asian Region in the Age of Globalization”).  Reader. Bishkek, 2005.  Co-author with M. Puhova, A. Elebaeva, C. Chotaeva, N. Esenamanova.
  • “Precarious Private Higher Education in Central Asia”, International Higher Education Journal (Boston College), # 38, Winter 2005, pp. 10-11.
  • “Osnovnye trendy i harakteristiki globalizazii v mirovoi ekonomike” (“Main Trends and Features of the Globalization of the World Economy”), Kyrgyz National University Journal # 7, July 2003 (published in Russian).
  • Civic Engagement: Global Trends and Development of Civil Society in Central Asia
  • Global Citizenship
  • Globalization and Social Sciences
  • International Organizations
  • Introduction to Political Studies
  • Senior Thesis I, II

American University of Central Asia
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