American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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Bishkek Liberal Arts Seminar (BLAS): A Transnational Feminist Engagement with Personalised Medicine
The paper examines possibilities to form a transnational feminist engagement with personalised medicine. I will critically assess the statements that personalised medicine could bring forth a “cost- effective” healthcare planning globally in the future.
Dylan Purcell: "Even a Small Story can Make a Change"
During an online class of investigative journalism Journalism Department , guest lecturer Dylan Purcell shared with students the process and deliberation with which he uncovered his two Pulitzer prize winning pieces, Toxic City and The Probation Trap. Purcell emphasized how important it is to use every resource available to get the information you need as a truth-seeker, recalling that at times, when his team could not get access to a dust sample inside of a school (to test if the schools were harming children with exposure to lead), they had to train teachers to test the schools instead, risking the teacher’s jobs for the children’s safety.
Ethnicity, Nation, and Memory: Local and Global Perspectives guest lecture
The presentation focuses on the linkages between ethnicity and national censuses in the context of nation-building. Using theoretical approaches, historical and contemporary illustrations in a variety of countries, parts of this complex puzzle scrutinized through the prisms of sociology and political science.
Anthropology Club Meeting: "Marriage ceremonies in Kazakhstan: Norms and their change"
Dinara Abildenova, a senior lecturer of Kazakh National University named after Al-Farabi gave a presentation "Marriage ceremonies in Kazakhstan: Norms and their change" on September 30, within the AUCA Anthropology Club meeting. In this presentation she focused on social changes that took place in Kazakh marriage ceremonies after the country’s independence.
Anthropology department held the first Anthropology Club meeting
AUCA Anthropology department held the first Anthropology Club meeting of a new season with Hikoyat Salimova, she had a presentation "BAZAARS AS ESSENTIAL PART OF URBAN FABRIC IN UZBEK CITIES".
Creative Writing Club at AUCA is pleased to announce its first event of the semester
The Creative Writing Club at AUCA is pleased to announce its first event of the semester, a workshop of student writing featuring work by Deniz Nazarova. Please join it next Wednesday at 6:00 PM, when Deniz will be sharing her piece with us in order to receive feedback and suggestions.
Bishkek Liberal Arts Seminars (BLAS)
The Bishkek Liberal Arts Seminar (BLAS) series invites academics outside of Kyrgyzstan to share their research with AUCA students, typically on topics and using methodologies not currently present at AUCA. The primary aim of this series is to provide an opportunity for students to engage with different subjects and approaches potentially beneficial for their studies and their curiosity.
Master of Arts in TALENT Management and Human Potential Development in Organizations ORIENTATION has started!
The Orientation program is designed to help TALENT students navigate in the new academic environment, get to know the program curriculum, faculty members, university support offices and our European partners.
Five AUCA undergraduate students received the Alumni Scholarship 2020
AUCA Alumni Association awarded five undergraduate students with the Alumni Scholarship 2020. Dana, Editha, Dastan, Maftuna, and Rysmende are those distinguished students who demonstrate excellent academic performance and active participation in the life of the University community.
Happy Kyrgyz Language Day: WARC Kyrgyz Language Tutorials Launch Second Season
Today, September 23, as Kyrgyzstan celebrates the Kyrgyz Language Day, AUCA’s Writing and Academic Resource Center (WARC) is glad to announce that its WARC Kyrgyz Language Tutorials––free videos that provide instruction in Kyrgyz vocabulary and grammar––have returned for a second semester of filming.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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