American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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Seismic Hazards Training Course at AUCA
On November 3rd, students and faculty of the Applied Geology department joined the Kyrgyz Seismic Hazard Seminar taught by Prof. Ray Weldon from Oregon State University (OSU). The workshop is organized as part of a Central Asia University Partnerships Program (UniCEN) program that provides grants for universities in Central Asia.
CASI Literature Week: “Writing Central Asia in Russian: Language, Place, and Displacement in Post-Soviet Rusosphone Literature”, Dec 2, 17:00
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past.
CASI Literature Week: "Minor Literatures and Intra-Soviet Translations: Davlat Khudonazarov's Nisso", Dec 1, 12:00
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past.
Guest lecture by U.S. Embassy air quality science fellow Ryan Schmedding
We invite everyone to the guest lecture by Ryan Schmedding, U.S. Embassy air quality science fellow. Ryan Schmedding will deliver a lecture on climate change and air quality and its health impacts.
Thanksgiving 2021
On November 24th, the AUCA community celebrated Thanksgiving Eve! That evening was full of performances, joy, and, of course, delicious turkey!
Lottery for Vaccinated Students, Faculty and Staff
On Wednesday 24, the Center for Civic Engagement, together with the Student Life Office, the Public Relations Office, the Human Resources Department, and the Medical Office, initiated the lottery for vaccinated students, faculty, and staff
CASI Literature Week: “The Pan-Eurasian Crisis of Ghazal Poetics", Nov 30, 12:00
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past. 
CASI Literature Week: “Islamic Scholars, Wine-Soaked Romance, and Textual Genre: Culture and Contradiction in Central Asia", Nov 26, 18:00
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past. 
CASI Literature Week: “Between Nationalism and Internationalism: Pirimqul Qodirov's 'Starry Nights'”, Nov 26, 17:00.
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past.  
CASI Presents “Literature Week”
Literature Week is a part of CASI’s Workshop on Literature and History. Supported by a generous contribution from Matthew Nimetz, the aim of the workshop is to create a community of junior scholars and advanced graduate students committed to studying literature and to applying literary tools and methodologies to the study of literary art in the Central Asian past. 

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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