American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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AUCA Sustainability Challenge

Dear AUCA community,
 We invite you to participate in the AUCA Sustainability Challenge as part of AUCA Climate Education Week! This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your innovative ideas and contribute to making a positive impact on our community.
Workshop: "Global Climate Change Agenda and its Implications for Kyrgyzstan"
  Workshop: "Global Climate Change Agenda and its Implications for Kyrgyzstan". We are thrilled to announce the inaugural event of the AUCA Climate Education Week, featuring distinguished guest speaker Dastan Abdyldaev.
Climate Fresk Workshop
Dear AUCA Community,We are excited to invite you to the Climate Fresk Workshop, a highlight of the AUCA Climate Education Week (April 1-8).The Climate Fresk Workshop will be facilitated by certified climate fresk facilitators, including the AUCA Sustainability Coordinator.
The Tian Shan Policy Center of AUCA and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia presented a study on migration and the Migration Yearbook 2023: Influence of the COVID-19 on formation of migration policy of countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation
The authors of the yearbook are experts: Leyla Delovarova (section on Kazakhstan), Tatiana Zlobina (section on Kyrgyzstan), Dmitry Poletaev (sections on Russia and Turkmenistan), Saodat Olimova (section on Tajikistan), Lyudmila Maksakova (section on Uzbekistan).
Career Fair 2024!
The AUCA Career Development Center is happy to announce the Career Fair 2024, which will be held at the AUCA campus on April 19 from 15:00 to 19:00! 
Diversity Week 2024, the Final Concert.
Friday, February 2, is the last day of Diversity Week 2024; it was remembered as the Final Concert, which featured performances from all delegations and theatre "Mirrors." The event culminated in a week-long celebration of diversity, inclusion, and unity.
Diversity Week 2024 is here!
January 30th kicked off the beginning of the most anticipated week of the year! Diversity Week 2024 is here!
Outcome Report: OSUN Short-Term Mobility Fellowship at CEU
American University of Central Asia | Central European University, Vienna, Austria
We are excited to share the enriching experiences of one of our associate professors Ruslan M. Rakhimov from the Department of Anthropology, Technology, and International Development, on October 15-22, 2023 completed a short-term mobility fellowship at the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna, Austria.
Certificate Awarding Ceremony of kNOwVAWdata course
The Spotlight Initiative recently hosted an award ceremony at the AUCA to celebrate the graduates of the kNOwVAWdata online course. Launched in 2022, the course is part of the regional program to address violence against women (VAW) and promote gender equality in Central Asia.
Ansgar Sasse: "It is a great experience, and I think other students should come here!"
Ansgar Sasse, an exchange student from Germany, has embarked on an exciting educational journey at AUCA. He is a third-year student in Germany at Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg, pursuing a degree in International Business and Economics.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
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