American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 4

Chess for Change: Empowering Children for Inspiring Future
       My name is  Nurzhigit Munarbek uulu(SFW-123) and my teammate is Sultan Baisbekov(AMI-123). In the spring semester of 2024, we took the Challenges of the 21st Century course, led by Professor Ekaterina Galimova.
Increasing Empowerment of Orphaned Students through English Language Club
Figure 1: Lesson with Children. Nuriyet Abdulaziz (2024)
How about creating a welcoming and supportive environment for orphaned students to improve their English skills through participation in an English Language Club? My name is Aidai Bakchekova, and I am a second-year student of the Business Administration Faculty.
The 10th Virtual Discussion Report, Spring 2024
On April 20, 2024, students from American Universities of Nigeria, Myanmar, Afghanistan, and Central Asia met via Zoom to discuss the topic devoted to Social Media as a Weapon of Destruction. The 10th Virtual Inter-University Discussion was conducted within the framework of the Civic Engagement Project called Crossing Borders Through Social Media and Dialogue, initiated by Professor Ekaterina Galimova (AUCA) and Professor Emilienne Akpan (AUN) in 2019.
AUCA faculty has been honored with the Matthew Nimetz Award
Chingiz Shamshiev, AUCA Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, awarded AUCA faculty and presented the certificates of appreciation to them along with the speech encouraging to academic career development.

American University of Central Asia
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