American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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Department of International and Comparative Politics (ICP) Teaching and Research Visit in France, April 8-12, 2024 
In 2023, the Department of International and Comparative Politics (ICP) signed the exchange agreement with the Political Science Department of the Universite Catholique de l’Ouest (Catholic University of West – UCO) in France.
Moderation Presentation of LAS Concentrations
      On the 10th and 11th of April, the Liberal Arts and Sciences department at AUCA hosted a presentation showcasing the moderation of their concentrations. The moderation process in the LAS Department is a liberal arts methodology that helps students discover their interests in their first year freely and after choosing their future profession in their second year.
New Perspectives on Manas Studies

On April 12th, the AUCA Library, in collaboration with the Liberal Arts and Sciences department and the President's Office, hosted a significant event: the presentation of Dr. James Plumtree's latest work, "МАНАС" ЭПОСУНА ТИШЕЛҮҮ ИЗИЛДӨӨЛӨРГӨ ЖАҢЫЧА ИЛИМИЙ СЕРЕП (1856-2018)".
OSUN Staff Mobility Program: Exploring the Library of the American University in Bulgaria
On March 18-31, 2024, AUCA Librarian Tolgonai Kozhokanova visited the American University of Bulgaria (AUBG) as part of the OSUN Staff Mobility Fellowship. The program provided invaluable opportunities for professional exchange and collaboration.
Aidaana Khasanova took 1st place in the annual Kyrgyz Republican Japanese Speech Contest
On April 13th, 2024, the annual Kyrgyz Republican Japanese Speech Contest occurred at Kyrgyz National University. Ten students participated in the beginner and fourteen in the middle and upper levels.
JMC students met with editors of major Kyrgyz media
On April 11th, the JMC faculty facilitated a meeting with editors from Cabar Asia, Kaktus Media, Azattyk Media, and Archa Media. The primary objective was to gain insights directly from industry professionals regarding the profession, job prerequisites, and responsibilities, as well as to engage in discussions about current trends and networking opportunities.
The Socio-Quest: journey into the future
    Led by esteemed scholars and practitioners in the field, the Sociology Department provides students with a comprehensive understanding of sociological theories, methodologies, and applications.
International Staff Training Week 2024 at the University of Marburg
Ms. Aselia Umetalieva, Head of ISO and Dr. Görkem Atsungur, Head of Social Sciences, and Chair of the ICP Department were invited to attend the International Staff Week program organized by the University of Marburg in Germany
Guest Lecture by Chingiz Aidarbekov on "Central Asia and Evolving Global Security Environment: Geopolitics, External Powers and Relations"
On March 27, AUCA, the Faculty of Anthropology and International Development, hosted another lecture in the NGO's and International Development class. The lecture featured Chyngyz Aidarbekov, a former Ministry of Foreign Affairs and currently Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs, Defence, Security and Migration of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Interview with the student of the International Business Law Department

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Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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