American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 1102

Amanda Kadyrbekova: "I'm really grateful and want to give a big thanks to the NGA program at AUCA, which was the start of my journey."
I'm Amanda Kadyrbekova, a dedicated fourth-year student pursuing a major in the Journalism department. Reflecting on my academic journey, one remarkable milestone stands out—the Global UGRAD program, a transformative experience that unfolded during the fall semester of 2022.
National Security Language Initiative for Youth Summer Program 2023
The intensive summer program National Security Language Initiative for Youth, sponsored by the US Department of State, was successfully completed. The American University of Central Asia (AUCA) is thankful to be privileged in hosting NSLI-Y Program in Bishkek to support the study of the 18 U.S. high school students from June 24, 2023, through August 10, 2023.
Aikokul Tashpulatova: “I am truly grateful for AUCA for providing such fantastic exchange opportunities”
I am Aikokul Tashpulatova, a fourth-year student at the Department of Software Engineering. Embarking on a journey of a lifetime, I had the incredible privilege to immerse myself in the vibrant world of student life abroad through OSUN, a renowned and unique exchange program at AUCA.
Aizhamal Duishonbekova'23: “I am grateful to the Economics Department staff and all my professors at AUCA!”
My name is Aizhamal Duishonbekova, and I have graduated from Economics Department at AUCA in 2023. Reflecting on my five years of studying at AUCA, I can say that it was a transformative experience, both academically and personally.
Bakai Moldoshev: “New York is the coldest and most but also the most impressive and memorable city.”
  Moldoshev Bakai is a junior student in the Anthropology department specializing in International Development. Last semester he spent in New York studying at The Bard Globalization and International Affairs program.
Interview with Waris Ahmad Faizi
Interview with Waris Ahmad Faizi, a graduate student of the Master of Arts in Sociology. In this video interview, Waris shared his experience with the AUCA Department of Sociology and how his studies at the AUCA helped him become a professional in the sphere of Sociology.
Summer School on “Challenging human rights issues in Central Asia"

On June 19, 2023, the American University in Central Asia held the official opening of the Summer School on “Challenging human rights issues in Central Asia". This Summer School was organised by the Development Office and the International Business Law Department and sponsored by the Open Society Foundations.
Summer School on “Challenging Human Rights Issues in Central Asia”
Our Summer School on “Challenging Human Rights Issues in Central Asia”, which was organized jointly with the Development Office and the International Business Law Department and sponsored by the Open Society Foundation, has ended. But let's recall together how it passed with us!
Summer School on "Challenging human rights issues in Central Asia"
      On June 19, 2023, the American University in Central Asia held the official opening of the Summer School on “Challenging human rights issues in Central Asia". This Summer School was organized by the Development Office and the International Business Law Department and sponsored by the Open Society Foundations.
Green AUCA & TСMA department collaboration: 7 social videos about waste
  As a result of the creative experiment of the Green AUCA & TСMA department for 2 months (April-May), 7 social videos were created on the topic of waste management in AUCA and in everyday life.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
Fax: +996 (312) 915 028
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