American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 171

Call for application for the Alumni Scholarship 2024-2025
Alumni Scholarship is funded by the generous contributions and donations of our wonderful AUCA alumni and friends. This scholarship is available for full-time undergraduate students who demonstrate an outstanding academic performance, who are passionate about community service and who can help to build strong AUCA alumni communities around the world after graduation.
Timothy O'Connor's speech during the Commencement Ceremony
I am delighted to welcome you to one of the most momentous events of this academic year. Today, we celebrate a special day! We are marking a significant milestone as together we turn the page on an important chapter in the lives of our graduating students and acknowledge the privilege that AUCA faculty and staff had in working with you.
Empowering Youth Initiatives: AUCA Hosts C5+1 Youth Council Meeting
On April 18, 2024, the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) hosted the C5+1 Youth Council (YC) meeting with representatives from the U.S. Embassy, including Molly Stephenson - Director of the Press and Public Diplomacy Office in the Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs (SCA).
Workshop: "Global Climate Change Agenda and its Implications for Kyrgyzstan"
  Workshop: "Global Climate Change Agenda and its Implications for Kyrgyzstan". We are thrilled to announce the inaugural event of the AUCA Climate Education Week, featuring distinguished guest speaker Dastan Abdyldaev.
The Tian Shan Policy Center of AUCA and the Hanns Seidel Foundation in Central Asia presented a study on migration and the Migration Yearbook 2023: Influence of the COVID-19 on formation of migration policy of countries of Central Asia and the Russian Federation
The authors of the yearbook are experts: Leyla Delovarova (section on Kazakhstan), Tatiana Zlobina (section on Kyrgyzstan), Dmitry Poletaev (sections on Russia and Turkmenistan), Saodat Olimova (section on Tajikistan), Lyudmila Maksakova (section on Uzbekistan).
Ambassador Talks: "Cooperation between Kyrgyzstan, South Asian and the Gulf Countries"
  On March 6, AUCA, the Faculty of International and Comparative Politics, hosted another lecture as part of the Ambassador Talks series. The lecture featured Maksat Tentimishov, former director of the 4th Political Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Folk music and dances of the Kyrgyz
On March 1, at the AUCA a spectacular event was held dedicated to the presentation of the project “Folk music and dances of the Kyrgyz”. The author and director of the project is ethnochoreologist and ethnomusicologist, AUCA graduate,known under the stage name “Mariya Naumova - Orchestra Girl”.
Oybek Turaev: "The exchange presented an opportunity to combine my passion for leadership and academics, nurtured at the AUCA"
My name is Oybek Turaev, Software Engineering, 2024 – graduate year. My exchange semester at Bard College, New York, was deeply rooted in my commitment to broadening my academic horizons and immersing myself in a diverse educational environment.
AUCA Alumna Among "50 Alumni for 50 Years"
Dear AUCA community! We are thrilled to share with you great news! Our alumna, Anisa Atalova, from the class of 2016, has been selected from a pool of 100,000 American Council alums representing 148 countries as part of the prestigious "50 Alumni for 50 Years initiative"!
Dr.Aizhana Dzhumalieva, the Dean of the Journalism and Mass Communications Department at the AUCA, visited Oslo and Gothenburg.
During her recent business trip, Dr.Aizhana Dzhumalieva, the Dean of the Journalism and Mass Communications Department at the AUCA, visited Oslo and Gothenburg, to develop and expand a new partnership between JMC/AUCA and European partners for future projects.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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