American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

Results: 277

Lazizjon Abdulazizov, LAS-113: "My exchange semester in Norway was awesome"
Lazizjon Abdulazizov, a junior in the Liberal Arts and Sciences Department, shares his experience as an exchange student at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Norway.
Inna Tsoi: "Exchange semester at Turkey was one of the brightest periods of my life"
Junior student of Business Administration department, Inna Tsoi is one of the students who had an outstanding opportunity to spend an exchange semester at Koc University in Istanbul.
Karina Bobusheva, Presidential Scholar of 2015: "GPA reflects diligence, not intellectual abilities"
Karina Bobusheva recently graduated in business administration and completed a minor in psychology. Alike all presidential scholars of the graduating year 2014-15 in total - she has shown excellent, even outstanding, academic achievement during her study at AUCA by maintaining a GPA superior to 3.8 (out of 4).
Aizhamal Sydykova: "AUCA prepared me academically and socially for a year abroad"
As a participant of the Global UGRAD program, Aizhamal Sydykova, ICP-113, spent her academic year 2014-2015 at the Otero Junior College in La Junta, Colorado, U.S. She tells us about that year abroad, an internship she had at an energy company, and how she participated in the event in support of kids with cancer.
Alexander Moree: "Studying at AUCA is my second job..."
Alexander Moree is one of the American exchange students from the University of Virginia. Originally from Washington D.C., he spent last spring semester at AUCA. At only 20 years old, he already knows 6 languages including Russian and Kyrgyz. Before he returns home in August, he shares about his 6-month experience studying and living in Kyrgyzstan.
Reporting On One Year At AUCA TV
AUCA TV – our own television channel - is one of the distinctive qualities of the American University in Central Asia. Students not only apply their knowledge in practice, but also reveal their creative potential. With it's own studio, editing rooms, high-level software, and equipment - these elements allow AUCA TV members to produce quality video and photo productions.
Visiting student from Washington University at AUCA
Zack Staples is a visiting student from the U.S., who grew up on the Caribbean island of Barbados. He came to Kyrgyzstan a few weeks ago, and now he is volunteering for the PR office of AUCA as well as travelling around Kyrgyzstan. Zack told us about himself, why he deferred attending Washington University for a year, and what he likes most in Kyrgyzstan.
AUCA members of Student Senate attended the International Student Leadership Conference in Spain
Meerim Nurbekova is a sophomore student majoring in International and Comparative Politics at AUCA. She is also a member of the university’s Student Senate. Last month, Meerim went to Madrid, Spain, to attend the International Student Leadership Conference (ISLC) held at Saint Louis University from April 23 to 26. Meerim shares her impressions, experience and some of the challenges she faced.
Photo exhibition “The Internship” at AUCA
Reyhana Turdieva, a student of the Sociology Department at AUCA, presents her first photo exhibition “The Internship” in Bravo, which will be held till May 2. The exhibition is a result of a photography trip she did in January in the United Arab Emirates with Dr. Hersh Chadha, photographer, philanthropist and AUCA’s long-term supporter.
"When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."
My name is Talgat Subanaliev and I am a dreamer. I am like the "Alchemist" of Paulo Coelho, but from Toktogul in Kyrgyzstan, a region no less beautiful than Andalusia. In high school, I was a socially active student, president of the pupils at my school, trying to make a difference. When I was in 10th grade, I participated in a training camp in journalism organized by the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). That experience changed my life: I was going to be a journalist and study at AUCA.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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