Textbook for university students titled “Civics”

Textbook for university students titled “Civics”

September 21, 2011


September 23, 2011                             Press-release


The Social Research Centre (SRC, www.src.auca.kg) at the American University of Central Asia with the financial support of the Civil Society Program of the Aga Khan Development Network and Danish Church Aid in Central Asia has developed a textbook for university students titled “Civics”. The book is the first integrated tool focused on civic education and upbringing of civic responsibility in students. It is published in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.


The sociological survey conducted by the SRC in 2007 made a ground to develop the textbook. The study found that the higher education system in Kyrgyzstan does not offer a holistic, specialized discipline aimed at training young people in active communal participation, better understanding of the principles of democracy, and of values based on human rights, social responsibility and tolerance.


Earlier, the SRC has developed a Teacher’s Guide on Civics for university instructors. The book contains the required theoretical material, guidelines for conduct seminars, organizing and conducting case-studies that aim at developing competencies of civic participation. Thus, higher education institutions in Kyrgyzstan have the textbook for students on Civics course in addition to the teachers’ manual.


The Civics course is currently offered in twelve universities across the country. The total number of students learning the course is 4116.


The manual is a useful guide not only for university students, but also for government officials, non-profit organizations engaged in civic education, and for all those interested in civil society development in the Kyrgyz Republic.


If you have any further questions, you can contact SRC at tel. 664089 or e-mail address src@mail.auca.kg.

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