A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind

April 29, 2011

Once again, AUCA students prove themselves to be talented and driven young people. A bright example of this is Reyna Artur kyzy, a senior in the Sociology department. Reyna has recently won the international science forum "Lomonosov - 2011: Link between Times and Generations", which was organized by the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MGU). After the brilliant presentation of her research, the high jury of the forum invited Reyna to continue her post-graduate studies at this prestigious university.

The international forum "Lomonosov" is one the largest scientific youth congresses in the post-Soviet sphere. This year it was even more distinguished as it marked the 300th birthday of M.V. Lomonosov, the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the CIS, the Year of the Historical and Cultural legacy of CIS, and, finally, the 50th anniversary of the first space flight. The main goal of the conference is to develop, enhance and stimulate scientific activity among the new generation. In fact, “Lomonosov – 2011" was included in the list of official events of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) by the unanimous decision of the CIS State Leaders Council.

Almost 15,000 participants from different parts of the world attended the conference this year. Reyna's research was entered to compete in the "Sociology of Communication Systems" division.

“Almost 1,500 participants presented their works in this particular division. Amongst them were not only students of various universities, but also graduate and PhD students,” describes her experience Reyna.

The research presented by Reyna was entitled “Violence in Internet: Critical Discourse Analysis of News Flows”. In her work, she attempted to discover and analyze violent messages in the news circulations of several popular internet newspapers during last summer's events in Osh. Using critical discourse analysis, she tried to reveal expressed violence, its instigators, and power relations within the discourse on violence.

“This conference was just a trial of my senior thesis before the thesis defense at AUCA. At the moment, I am in the deep and marvelous process of writing the senior work, and it is quite sad that I am almost finished with it,” smiles Reyna.

Noteworthy, Reyna is quite an experienced and active participant of international conferences. In 2009 she took part in a collaborative forum that focused on globalization in post-Soviet countries. This sociological conference was held in Chita, Russia, and attracted students from a wide range of countries. In 2010, Reyna visited Dalian, China, to explore youth and child policies. In 2011, she participated in the international forum “Cultural Heritage and Its Contemporary Implications” in Ulan-Bator, Mongolia.

"I am very thankful to all my Sociology professors and to President Wachtel for their continuous support and encouragement!”

Reyna is actually an international student at AUCA. She was born and raised in Russia, where she successfully graduated from a gymnasium specializing in history and literature. Although she was going to continue her studies in Moscow, her parents insisted that she attends AUCA. Now, as her studies come to a culmination, she happily admits that "parents' intuition never betrays!" 

"I chose sociology because of my desire to have a very flexible job with some philanthropic elements. I wanted to study and learn a great many things, and it is well known that sociology is one of the broadest and most comprehensive disciplines,” explains Reyna.

We would like to congratulate Reyna with this prestigious award and wish her success in all her future endeavors!

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