Американский Университет в Центральной Азии - АУЦА - Дайджест новостей № 18

Дайджест новостей по миграции в Центральной Азии № 18 (2017)

Дата:  04 - 17 сентября





OSCE support presentation of Astana report on migrants rights

In Russian: https://eng.azattyq.org/a/28735618.html.


The court helped reunite the lovers from Kazakhstan and China

In Russian: https://news.mail.ru/society/30906238/.  






Russian State Insurance is ready to insure migrants from Kyrgyzstan

In Russian: здесь.


Migrants transfer $ 1.3 to Kyrgyzstan since beginning of year

In Russian: здесь.


Decent work or brain drain: schoolchildren discussed all the pros and cons of labor migration

In Russian: http://knews.kg/2017/09/307006/.


Internal migrants: people from villages come to city in the hope of adequately providing for their family

In Russian: http://advocacy.kg/index.php/4870-13-sentyabrya-vnutrennie-migranty-lyudi-iz-sel-priezzhayut-v-gorod-v-nadezhde-dostojno-obespechivat-svoyu-semyu.






Migrants: We get married once, but we earn for bread for all our lives

In Russian: http://nm.tj/society/48052-migranty-zhenimsya-odin-raz-a-na-hleb-zarabatyvaem-vsyu-zhizn.html.






Uzbek people change Russia to Korea

In Russian: http://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/uzbekistantsy-menyayut-rossiyu-na-koreyu/.


Migrants from Uzbekistan less and less choose Russia

In Russian: http://podrobno.uz/cat/obchestvo/migranty-iz-uzbekistana-vse-rezhe-vybirayut-rossiyu-/






Central Bank predicted a decrease in salary growth due to the influx of migrants

In Russian: http://www.rbc.ru/economics/16/09/2017/59bc2e1d9a79475a773c71c3.


RANEPA: influx of migrants to Russia in seven years decreased to a minimum

In Russian: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3410773.






Uzbek migrants begin a new life. What will happen to them now?

In Russian: http://theopenasia.net/articles/detail/u-uzbekskikh-migrantov-nachinaetsya-novaya-zhizn-chto-s-nimi-teper-budet/.


Migration for knowledge: how much cost higher education abroad

In Russian: http://www.rbc.ru/money/05/09/2017/59ae5cd09a794765c1b6c8ae.


Migrants: An Invisible Force in Central Asia

In Russian: http://iom.kz/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/289-migrants-invisible-force-rus.


Working in Kazakhstan. Tips for migrants

In Russian: https://24.kg/obschestvo/62462_rabota_vkazahstane_sovetyi_migrantam/.


What forces Kazakhstanis to emigrate abroad?

In Russian: https://camonitor.kz/28832-chto-vynuzhdaet-kazahstancev-emigrirovat-za-granicu.html.






Regional thematic seminar "History of two crises: migration and violent extremism" to be held in Astana

In Russian: http://iom.kz/%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8/291-reg-tem-workshop-rus.


PhotoStory exhibition – Migrants: An Invisible force in Central Asia

In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=1199.



In English: http://iom.kg/en/?p=1192.



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Email: tspc@auca.kg

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