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Date 16-30 April 2019
Rally in Bishkek demands moratorium on uranium mining in Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan aims to obtain gas from Turkmenistan-China gas pipeline In English: https://www.azernews.az/region/149909.html Kyrgyzstan-China gas pipeline: agreement raises concerns In Russian: https://rus.azattyk.org/a/29894190.html National Energy Holding reveals data on electricity production In Russian: http://www.tazabek.kg/news:1541646?from=tazabek&place=archive Severelectro distribution utility spent 4.7 billion soms (US$ 68.7 mln.) for the purchase and transit of electricity - a report In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1544343?f=cp Technical losses in the 110-220-500 kV networks down by 5.6 million kWh to 5.32% In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1543555?f=cp Monthly information bulletin of the National Energy Holding In Russian: http://energyholding.kg/content/articles_view/827 Kyrgyzstan will not export electricity in 2019 - CEO A.Kaybaliev In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1543360?f=cp Kyrgyzstan sold electricity for US$ 900 million - historical data In Russian: https://ru.sputnik.kg/economy/20190426/1044110572/kyrgyzstan-ehlektroehnergiya-ehksport-grafik.html Sixty new buses running on natural gas start operation in Bishkek In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/v-bishkeke-vykhodyat-na-liniyu-60-novykh-avtobusov-na-prirodnom-gaze-metane |
Uzbekistan intends to introduce a basic consumption charges for electricity Coal for US$ 105.5 million. Mirziyoev receives an update about the future of the coal industry in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/ugol-za-105-5-mln-mirziyeev-izuchil-budushchee-/ President visits the Tupalang HPP modernization In Russian: https://www.gazeta.uz/ru/2019/04/30/water-power/ British Petroleum interested in oil and gas projects In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.com/ru/post/43481 Ministry of Finance experts discuss draft laws on renewable energy sources and public-private partnerships In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.com/ru/post/43187 Yildirim Holding to build a power plant in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.com/ru/post/43429 Uzbekistan to freeze electricity tariffs In Russian: https://www.korem.kz/rus/press-centr/novosti_otrasli/?cid=0&rid=8233 LUKOIL plans to invest US$ 2 billion in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.com/ru/post/43412 Uzbekistan starts transit of Turkmen gas In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/uzbekistan-nachal-tranzit-turkmenskogo-gaza/ France will take part in the modernization of the Charvak hydroelectric power plant and supply helicopters to Uzbekistan |
Every month Barqi Tojik fails to pay Sangtuda-1 over US$ 4 million Tajikistan prepares to reach 100% electrification rate In Russian: https://news.tj/ru/news/tajikistan/society/20190424/v-tadzhikistane-pristupayut-k-polnoi-elektrifikatsii-sel The whole world needs to help "Barki Tojik". Privatize? Tajiks spend more on electricity than other Central Asians and even some Europeans About 2.5% of the Tajik population is not connected to the power grid Tajikistan required to communicate import quantities of duty-free Russian fuel in advance Increasing electricity tariffs - the only way to save Barki Tojik? In Russian: https://rus.ozodi.org/a/29906001.html Tajik government asks development partners for help with Barki Tojik Tajikistan and Mongolia to partner in the area of water supply, energy and other industries In Russian:https://ca-news.org/news:1540985 One year Tajik-Uzbek friendship - achievements in the area of borders, energy and trade Tajikistan exports over 11 million kWh of electricity daily In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/05/02/tadzhikistan-ezhesutochno-eksportiruet-svyshe-11-mln-kvt-ch-elektroenergii/ Commissioning date for the second unit at Rogun HPP announced In Russian: https://tj.sputniknews.ru/main/20190417/1028690077/rahmon-nazval-sroki-sdachi-vtorogo-agregat-rogun-ges.html Tajik coal production at 266,000 tons in Q1 In Russian: https://tajikta.tj/ru/news/tadzhikistan-za-kvartal-proizvel-266-tys-tonn-uglya- |
Environmentalists commented on the possible construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/ekologi-prokommentirovali-vozmozhnoe-stroitel-stvo-aes-v-kazahstane_a3522147 Large companies to begin training people for jobs in oil pipeline industry 74 renewable energy facilities with a total capacity of about 680 MW are operating in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://www.kt.kz/rus/ecology/v_kazahstane_deystvuyut_74_ob_ekta_vie_obschey_moschnostyu_1377883789.html The Ministry of Energy will commission 10 new renewable energy projects by the end of the year In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/minenergo-vvedet-v-ekspluataciyu-10-ob-ektov-vie-do-konca-goda_a3520945 Royal Dutch Shell preparing to build a solar power plant in Kazakhstan In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/77745/shell-gotovit-proekt-stroitelstva-solnechnoj-elektrostancii.html EADB to invest 102 billion tenge (US$ 266.5 mln) in the construction of the Saryarka gas pipeline Tariffs for renewable energy dropping In Russian: https://24.kz/ru/news/economyc/item/311379-tarify-na-alternativnuyu-energiyu-snizhayutsya-mne-rk Transformer plant opens doors in Shymkent In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/77845/v-shymkente-prezentovali-transformatornyj-zavod.html No decision on nuclear power plant without consulting the public Kazakhstan plans to export electricity to EAEU countries In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/kazahstan-planiruet-naladit-eksport-elektroenergii-v-strany-eaes_a3521071 Russian company Inter RAO to leave Kazakhstan’s energy sector In Russian: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3960061 Second solar power plant launched in Karaganda region In Russian: https://www.kt.kz/rus/economy/_1377883696.html Energy Minister speaks about renewable energy tariffs In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/o-tarifah-na-vie-rasskazal-glava-minenergo_a3521002 Electricity production in Kazakhstan drops In Russian: https://dknews.kz/strana/v-kazahstane-snizilos-proizvodstvo-elektricestva-minenergo.html How limiting the export of electricity to Russia has affected Kazakhstan In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20190416/9841638/ehksport-ehlektroehnergiya-russia-kazakhstan.html Natural gas production in Kazakhstan increased by 3.6% over the year |
OSCE consults Turkmenistan on renewable energy In English: https://www.azernews.az/region/149681.html Testing held at new gas chemical complex in Turkmenistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/region/149872.html Turkmenistan offers South Korea joint energy projects In English: https://www.azernews.az/region/149186.html Gazprom confirms restart of gas supplies from Turkmenistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/region/149004.html Turkmenistan: Turning the gas back on In English: https://eurasianet.org/turkmenistan-turning-the-gas-back-on Turkmenistan promotes Trans-Caspian gas pipeline project passing through Azerbaijan In Russian: https://www.azernews.az/oil_and_gas/149720.html Turkey, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan to mull cooperation in energy sector In English: https://www.azernews.az/oil_and_gas/149265.html Taliban cut Turkmen power lines In Russian: https://news.tj/ru/news/world/20190425/talibi-obrezali-turkmenskie-linii-elektroperedachi Uzynad: new wells, strategic perspectives In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18574 Innovative production line to be launched at the Nayip gas facility In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18557 The Turkment art of selling - Will Gazprom help Ashgabat to cope with the economic crisis In Russian: https://fergana.agency/articles/106852/ Turkmenbashi refinery exceeds quarterly production plans In Russian: https://turkmenportal.com/blog/18642/tknpz-perevypolnil-kvartalnye-plany-vypuska-produkcii |
Other regional news
EAEU: Breakthrough in resolving differences on the formation of a common electricity market In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/news/ctrany_eaes_obespechili_proryv/?year=2019&month=4 31st meeting of the Working Group Regulatory Review and Harmonization of the Electric Power Industry in the CIS held in Moscow In Russian: http://energo-cis.ru/news/23-24_aprelya_2019_goda_v_g/ |
How does Kazakhstan feel in the blue fuel market? In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/77633/kak-sebya-chuvstvuet-kazahstan-na-rynke-golubogo-topliva.html Dangerous and harmful: where to dispose of energy-saving light bulbs? (Tajikistan) How much has Tajikistan earned from selling electricity? In Russian: https://news.tj/ru/news/tajikistan/economic/20190425/skolko-tadzhikistan-zarabotal-na-prodazhe-sveta How Uzbeks and Kyrgyz divided the construction project of the century - the political history of the Toktogul HPP In Russian: https://fergana.agency/articles/106757/ Funny tariffs for electricity resellers or how they make a profit on our back (Kyrgyzstan) In Russian: https://24.kg/ekonomika/115003_smeshnyie_tarifyi_dlya_pereprodavtsov_elektroenergii_kak_nanas_najivayutsya/ How Kazakh refineries are switching to “autopilot” In Russian: https://kapital.kz/economic/77592/kak-kazahstanskie-npz-perehodyat-na-avtopilot.html |
Announcement to participate in the auction for the selection of renewable energy projects in the Republic of Kazakhstan In Russian: http://energo.gov.kz/index.php?id=24211 |
Digital technologies in the energy sector 23-24 May, Bishkek Website: http://nesk.kg/ru/svyazi-s-obshchestvennostyu/novosti-i-press-relizy/1817-22-04-2019 |