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Date: 15-28 February 2019
How will the warm winter affect energy and crops - experts answer In Russian: https://ru.sputnik.kg/analytics/20190219/1043407465/kyrgyzstan-zima-posledstviya-ehnergetika-poliv.html PM Abylgaziyev meeting with RusHydro chairman - what did they discuss? In Russian: https://ru.sputnik.kg/economy/20190226/1043504242/kyrgyzstan-abylgaziev-rusgidro-obsuzhdenie.html RusHydro does not intend to return to hydropower projects in Kyrgyzstan In Russian: https://kaktus.media/doc/387507_rysgidro_nenamereno_vozvrashatsia_vproekt_gesvkyrgyzstane.html Kyrgyzstan to hold talks on Kambarata HPP in Tashkent In Russian: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=146075&cat=region Price difference between wholesale and retail prices for fuel and lubricants in Kyrgyzstan is 20% Auditor General identifies violations in the activities of Oshelectro for 2017 In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1496825?f=cp Electricity generation in 2018 reached 15.6 billion kWh In Russian: www.tazabek.kg/news:1496774?f=cp |
Uzbekistan will study the experience of Hungary in the use of nuclear energy Launch date for the Turakurgan Thermal Power Plant announced France and Russia can apply for oil and gas exploration in Uzbekistan In Russian: https://uz.sputniknews.ru/economy/20190227/10929208/franciya-rossiya-neft-uzbekistan.html Uzbek gasoline production down by more than 30% in January President Mirziyoyev speaks about the state of the oil and gas and chemical industries Criticism and investment: Mirziyoyev held talks on energy sector development In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/kritika-i-investitsii-mirziyeev/ USAID to help create a common electricity market in Central Asia: Uzbekistan signed the necessary agreement In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/usaid-pomozhet-sozdat-edinyy-ry/ Uzbekistan planning to launch production plant for gel batteries In Russian: http://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/42048 Uzbekenergo began to charge a penalty for delayed electricity payments In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/42012 ADB representatives informed about project progress in the Jizzakh region In Russian: https://www.uzdaily.uz/ru/post/41836 Uzbek electricity meter manufacturers receive support In Russian: https://podrobno.uz/cat/economic/v-uzbekistane-proizvoditeli-schetc/ |
Sangtuda shareholders have the right to dividends. In Russian: https://news.tj/ru/news/tajikistan/economic/20190216/aktsioneri-sangtudi-imeyut-pravo-na-dividendi Tajik electricity customers can now request connection to the grid online A third of previously built small hydropower plants are not in operation In Russian: https://tajikta.tj/ru/news/v-tadzhikistane-tret-ranee-postroennykh-malykh-ges-ne-funktsioniruyut Rogun dam construction to continue in April In Russian: http://avesta.tj/2019/02/25/plotinu-rogunskoj-ges-prodolzhat-stroit-v-aprele/ |
Kazakhstan bans rail transport for import of Russian oil In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/economy/20190222/9399091/kazakhstan-vvoz-benzin-zapret-russia.html What do we know about Kazakhstan energy minister? In Russian: https://ru.sputniknews.kz/spravka/20190225/9434138/bozumbaev-ministr-biografiya.html Kazakhstan plans to export up to 5 mln. tons of oil to Uzbekistan In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=146006&cat=region Azerbaijan attracting Kazakh companies to its energy projects In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145788&cat=oil_and_gas When will Kazakhstan start exporting gasoline? In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=145708&cat=region Energy Minister Bozumbayev: “Additional 187 billion tenge (US $500 mln.) will be required for gasification and electricity supply” Akmola region - a pioneer in the field of alternative energy In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/akmolinskaya-oblast-pioner-v-sfere-al-alativnoy-energetiki-v-kazahstane_a3501090 In Almaty, 120 more streets will get energy-saving LED lighting Two new wind farms scheduled to start operation in Kapshagay In Russian: https://www.inform.kz/ru/dve-vetroelektrostancii-zarabotayut-v-etom-godu-v-kapshagae_a3499838 |
Brussels assesses potential for Turkmen gas deliveries to EU In English: https://www.azernews.az/news.php?news_id=146465&cat=region Turkmenistan plans to increase annual electricity generation to 33 billion kWh in the next 7 years In Russian: http://energyland.info/news-show-tek-electro-182876 Turkmenistan is focused on diversification of the oil and gas sector In Russian: http://www.turkmenistan.gov.tm/?id=18167 |
Other regional news
Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to create Energy Cooperation Council Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan ready to sign an agreement on the duty-free supply of fuel and lubricants In Russian: https://kyrtag.kg/ru/news/kyrgyzstan-i-kazakhstan-gotovy-podpisat-soglashenie-o-besposhlinnoy-postavke-gsm |
How much oil does Tajikistan consume and who supplies it? |