American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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New faculty at AUCA Meet for Orientation
On September 2, 2016, new faculty at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) met for orientation.
"My interest in mathematics led me to Economics" -Asel Raiymbekova
I was given an incredible opportunity to get a high-quality education at one the best universities of Kyrgyzstan, AUCA. Those four years have made a huge contribution to my intellectual, professional, and personal growth. My interest in mathematics led me to economics as my future profession; however, I fell in love with it.
Better Understanding for a Better World (BUBW)
Civilizations Exchange & Cooperation Foundation (CECF) will be holding its first BUBW conference in Bishkek on July 13-17 2016. 70 participants of the conference will come from Kyrgyzstan and surrounding Central Asian countries, in addition to 30 participants from other regions of the world. The most colorful part of the conference - culture event will take place at AUCA on July 14 from 17.30 to 20.00. Anyone who is interested in seeing diverse cultures may come to see and join participants.
NGA pre-university program: a solid foundation for a bright future
A child’s university education should be taken seriously. Not only is it nearly a half-decade of their time, it creates a solid foundation for success in life. The New Generation Academy preparatory program enables high school graduates to make the most of their time at university by providing them with proficiency in multiple foreign language, communication skills, and critical thinking.
Egemberdi kyzy Takhmina: "I met my love at the AUCA"
Egemberdi kyzy Takhmina, one of the best recent graduates of the Business Administration department at AUCA and a member of the President’s list, took some time to share her brightest moments at AUCA and to give some advice to current undergraduates
Zemfira Inogamova-Hanbury: "My biggest achievement after graduating AUCA is becoming a Mother"
Zemfira Inogamova-Hanbury, our alumni ambassador in London, UK, tells us about how AUCA has helped her career path. Zemfira graduated from AUCA in 2006 from the Cultural Anthropology department and has recently organized an AUCA alumni meeting in the UK.
First Asia Leadership Conference in Kyrgyzstan
June 7, 2016, AUCA will host the 2016 Asia Leadership Conference, which is organized and designed for high school and university students by teaching fellows from Harvard Kennedy School, Harvard Business School, the Tufts Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Columbia School of Business, and other top global universities.
New Undergrad Programs to Open at AUCA
Starting from the 2016-2017 academic year, the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) will have two new departments: the Department of Television, Cinematography and Visual Art and the Department of Applied Geology. Heads of the new departments spoke about their new programs at a press-conference on May 19, 2016.
Aichurok Ybyraimova: “I wanted see the world from a different perspective”
Aichurok Ybyraimova, a junior in the Sociology department at AUCA, is now finishing her exchange semester at Hannam University, South Korea. Here, she shares with us a few of her experiences living in Korea, tidbits about Korean culture, and reasons to apply for an exchange program.
AUCA students visit Kumtor gold mine
On April 23, 2016, students from the Logistics and Supply Chain Management Certificate Program at the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) visited the Kumtor gold mine. The purpose of the trip was to introduce students to the astronomical logistics of everyday operations at one of the biggest companies in Kyrgyzstan.

American University of Central Asia
7/6 Aaly Tokombaev Street
Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

Tel.: +996 (312) 915000 + Еxt.
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