American University of Central Asia - AUCA - AUCA News

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Meet Farzin Amonov, Math Tutor at WARC.
Meet Farzin Amonov, Math Tutor at WARC, a sophomore majoring in Applied Mathematics and Informatics (AMI) at the AUCA.
TSPC successfully completed the third environmental camp for AUCA students in the Chychkan Gorge
From August 21st to 25th, 2023, the Tian-Shan Policy Center organized a summer environmental camp for students "Sustainable Natural Resource Management and GIS in Chychkan." The objectives of the event were to raise students' awareness about the importance of preserving the Chychkan Gorge ecosystem and conducting research on the use of natural resources in this unique complex.
Orientation Program at the AUCA!
You will not see such a unique event as the AUCA orientation program at any Central Asian university. It started as a week-long team-building event for freshmen and evolved into a two-week program combining team-building and preparation for freshmen!
Opening of the Orientation Program 2024
The Orientation Program 2024 at the AUCA commenced on Monday, August 12th, marking the beginning of an exciting journey for freshmen and the entire AUCA community.
Erkebai Bakhavadinov: “My time at Bard NYC was epic and a whirlwind of exhilaration and growth”
My name is Erkebai Bakhavadinov. I am in my senior year in the Software Engineering Department at the American University of Central Asia and will graduate in 2025.
What accomplishments have I made while studying Russian at AUCA?

Every year, students from different countries come to AUCA through exchange programs. One of the courses they study is Russian. We asked some of them about their success in learning the language.
Successful conclusion of Summer Workshop on Policy Labs: fostering collaboration for sustainable development
July 5th marks the successful conclusion of this year's three-day Summer Workshop on Policy Labs in Issyk-Kul, organized by the Tian Shan Policy Center under the "Learning by Doing: Policy Labs and Civic Engagement" program.
Conclusion of Summer Policy Labs Workshop: advancing sustainable development through collaboration
Today marks the successful conclusion of this year's three-day Summer Workshop on Policy Labs, organized by the Tian Shan Policy Center under the "Learning by Doing: Policy Labs and Civic Engagement" program. This workshop continued our mission of connecting academic policy research curriculums with organizations, practitioners, and policy makers committed to addressing global challenges of sustainable and peaceful development.
AUCA at the 10th World Water Forum

AUCA's Sustainability Coordinator, Mira Dzhakshylykova, recently represented Central Asia at the 10th World Water Forum, bringing valuable insights and benefits to the university. She was selected and had the opportunity to speak at three sessions, including a prestigious high-level panel session.
Artificial Intelligence Workshop for Regional Partners
On June 6, 2024, AUCA Library and CTLT organized an “Information Literacy in Artificial Intelligence” training session, which gathered online over 50 participants from major regional universities in the country. 

American University of Central Asia
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Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 720060

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